This is the Message Centre for Sally Quilford

joining the sub group

Post 1


Hi! I hope I'm doing this right. I know it's late, but I was hoping to join in and maybe help you reach 500. Are you planning to start over in January, or continue on? Either way, Ineed some motivation to get my work sent out. I've never been published before, scared of rejections. Thanks, Maggie.

joining the sub group

Post 2


Hi! I think I just erased my first go. (rolls eyes) Hopeless with the computer. I know it's late, but I was hoping to join your group, to get motivated to sub stories. I've never been published, afraid of rejection probably. Thanks, Maggie

joining the sub group

Post 3

Sally Quilford

Hi Maggie
You'd be welcome to start the group. We are finishing this race on 31st December (a tad under expectations) then starting over in January. So it's up to you. You can either start subbing and logging now, or wait till January 1st .

You'll be welcome, whenever.smiley - ok


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