This is the Message Centre for Sally Quilford

New novel group

Post 1

Gregory N

Dear Sally,

Are you interested in joining the new novel writing community that's been set up at ezboards? The intention is to have craft discussions and book talk, plus some people exchanging extracts for feedback. It will be novel writing only to prevent it from becoming too large.

I've described how to sign up at A3430360

(You might be a member of Ezboards already from looking around BC)

I hope you join. And please recommend the group to any other keen novelists here or at Bewrite etc!

Best wishes

New novel group

Post 2

Sally Quilford

Hi Greg
Thanks very much for your kind offer, but I am too busy to commit to anymore groups at the moment. I feel stretched a bit too thin as it is.

But thank you again for the kind invitation. I'll keep the group in mind for when life is a bit less hectic.


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