This is the Message Centre for Sally Quilford

I bring gifts

Post 1


Well, one gift anyway.

Traveller has created a useful summary thread of great and impartial info. I never saw one of the original threads in GW (unless you are subscribed they don't show up).


This extract from Peta - can't remember her BBC title right now - is six days old and quite nice. where she is referring to emails to the BBC:
"Not providing fresh content" same as "closing"?
posted Last Week by Peta Posting 33

....I think the iCan campaign is a sound idea though; emails to individual personal email addresses can more easily be ignored or overlooked.

So, tis sound we both are and fair play...smiley - smiley


I bring gifts

Post 2

Sally Quilford

That's great Patrick! And remember that YOU started the ican campaign. I've just jumped on the bandwagon (and was proud to have been asked.)

Traveller has done a fantastic job of explaining it all clearly and without showing favouritism in any direction.


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