This is the Message Centre for Sally Quilford

Dear Sally

Post 1


I'm still shaking at the news. Basically, we have a contact in Sky tv who is interested in the sketch show Julie and I pitched unsuccessfully to the BBC. They are funding the Edinburgh gig. One of the actors is Lisa Hammond, who has been in the three most recent episodes of Max and Paddy's Road To Nowhere, as Max's (Peter Kay) ex-girlfriend. Another is Laurence Clark, whose "The Jim Davidson Guide To Equality" was a big hit on the Fringe this year - so I've got a lot to live up to. I shall, of course, keep you posted.

Chris smiley - cheers

Dear Sally

Post 2

Sally Quilford

I hope it all pans out for you Chris. I've got a mate in Edinburgh, so when it's nearer the time, let me know the title and where it's going to be and I'll insist she comes to cheer you on smiley - ok

Oddly enough my daughter works in a local entertainments venue as front of house, and the other week the Pheonix Night crowd were in all bar Peter Kay. They helped her count up her ice creams at the end of the night, bless.


Dear Sally

Post 3


Will do! smiley - ok

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