This is the Message Centre for Sally Quilford

Just read this

Post 1



Sorry Sally, I just read the above message from you, I had gone to bed.

You don't need to feel uncomfortable, its an open site, you don't have to join to read. Anyway, nobody is posting anything which will affect anyone here over there.

The site was set up as a lifeline, not to deliberately exclude people and become some kind of decision making forum - honest! Go take a look.

Meanwhile, MSN Messenger? phone? email? face to face? You won't stop people discussing things and not letting you know lol.

Just read this

Post 2

Sally Quilford

I realise that Anneymouse, and I'm not saying that friends can't discuss things privately. It isn't my place to say that, and I've certainly had email discussions with friends about the closure. It was the feeling that decisions about GW are being made privately then posted here as a fait accompli that concerned me. I'm happy to accept your assurance that this isn't the case.

Good luck with the group.smiley - ok


Just read this

Post 3


Well thank you for your blessing smiley - smiley

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