This is the Message Centre for Sally Quilford

Excellent you are back.

Post 1

The Painter

I was SO sorry you left. It was not the same. Glad you are back. Let's hope you enjoy it more.

Hope you are doing well with that course.

I am too busy to come here, really, since being made president of the WSFAA.

We are in the middle of the inaugural awards and with work commitments, as well as a hobby course I am on (TEFL - home study course - bloody murder sometimes - but enjoyable all the same!), I have no appetite for it(smiley - winkeye). I aim to teach Enlgish abroad one fine day, thus the TEFL course. Actually, Sally, I'd have thought you would be an ideal Tefl teacher.

Hope you are well, and I wish you all the best.


Excellent you are back.

Post 2

Sally Quilford

Hi Keith!
Sorry about that. I came, then I went again (but only on holiday!) I've just logged on to see what's what, while I get my washing done.

Thanks for the warm welcome, and congratulations on being made the pres of the WSFAA. A friend of mine has just become president (she prefers chairperson) of the Musgrave's which is the northern Sherlock Holmes society.

It's getting just like old times around here smiley - winkeye


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