A Conversation for Things That Make Your Skin Crawl
Wasps & Bees
Researcher 32963 or Tomrat Started conversation Aug 26, 1999
Having been stung as a child of about 10, by a wasp landing on my armpit, putting my arm down. Well you get the picture, I am very frightened of wasps, bees, and other buzzing insects that come near my ears. Even large blowflies have been known to get the same reaction, which is jump up making a low moaning sound,(oh okay whimpering pitifully), duck down, run wildly around for several minutes, usually in the same direction that the bemused insect is taking, and then retreat to a safe distance, e.g the next room, until somebody braver can get rid of it. It is totally irational, and yet I just can't sit there and quietly wait for it to go somewhere else. I am 30 years old, and yet for those moments, it's almost like I am back in my parents back garden again, realising that a stinging monster has just ruined any chance I will ever have of having a calm sun bathing session ever.
I have no fear of spiders however which comes in useful for a counter 'insect exterminator' role with my partner David who goes into similar mode when a spider appears.
Wasps & Bees
Darreny-Warreny (32619) Posted Aug 27, 1999
I had a very similar experience when a wasp flew up the leg of my shorts on a scout camp about ten years ago. Needless to say, summertime has never been the same for me since. I have to say, though, that bees don't bother me at all. In fact, I think that bumble-bees are quite cute.
Wasps & Bees
Wood Nymph Posted Sep 4, 1999
I have found that physical contact with a regular bee doesn't make me shudder, but that close-up still photographs of them in a hive really makes my skin crawl. In-person contact with wasps, moths and spiders have the same effect...non-lethal stingers...powdery wings blindly flapping toward my eyes and mouth...antennae wiggling...big legs and pincers and multiple eyes...ugh, the back of my neck is trying to come up over my head as I type!
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Wasps & Bees
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