This is the Message Centre for Wil

Saturday,7 August 1999

Post 1


 Well, today then. This is my first entry in my journal here, having just discovered the guide. Well, obviously I discovered THE guide years ago when I read the book (under the influence of my dad, which is like Cannabis only with more pressure). But hit si my first day as part of the online guide, which, I happen to think, is a spiffing idea. I entered a couple of pages on topics I know a little about, and hope that these will be entered into the Guide. So I got up a little earlier than normal today, having had a bit of a hyperactive night with my friends last night, and I couldn't sleep properly. That didn't put me in the best of mind for going to work today (4 hours in Woolworths) but I managed, partly by slacking off to watch training videos. Tonight I'm sitting here doing this (in on a Saturday night - sad eh?) but I'm going out tomorrow with my good friend Louise. Anticipating the arrival of some new computer parts on monday to give this hunk of solder a much needed upgrade. Hungry.

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Saturday,7 August 1999

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