This is the Message Centre for PenJen

HandsomeJesus; loud and clear

Post 1


Hey Jen,
You can use my name, but it's spelled Oddo. And for location, just USA please.
smiley - blacksheep

HandsomeJesus; loud and clear

Post 2


I noticed a typo, which I fixed and reposted. If you could take note of that, it'd be great.
smiley - blacksheep

HandsomeJesus; loud and clear

Post 3


I'm afraid I'm away ahead of you! Just finished Vol 2 of the Anthology tonight and your piece is in it. I did, however include your name and country and found an 'e' missing from 'the' and fixed it. Hope that is the typo you are talking of!

Want me to email it to you? Is it still the same one from the last time?

If you want can send you Vol 1 also, but you will need to make room in your a/c.

Jen smiley - biggrin

HandsomeJesus; loud and clear

Post 4


Actually the typo was toward the end of the piece. You'll notice in the line "the valuables that must be somewhere..." there is no s on valuable, and a comma snuck its way into the word 'must'
Hope it's not too late.
Yes, please email it to me.
George has already got Vol. 1, so I can just print a copy of his.
Thanks Jen,
smiley - blacksheep

HandsomeJesus; loud and clear

Post 5


You're gonna kill me too - have you as Otto and not Oddo. Feck it. Can't change now but will TRY tomorrow if can. Really snowed under and it has already been uploaded.

Look, I'll see what I can do and let you know. Really sorry. Ill send it on anyhow.

smiley - headhurts

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