This is the Message Centre for PenJen

Your anthology

Post 1


I looks terrific girl, and I love the purple, some really poignant pieces to smiley - bubblysmiley - magic

I would be honoured to be in the next onesmiley - cheerup

lyndylu having a smiley - tea and a wee sit down

Your anthology

Post 2


Thanks sista!

Well the second volume is up and the third, which will have your piece, will hopefully (?) be ready by late Tuesday night.

There are now direct links to the first two volumes of the GW Tribute Anthology on both MSN and Yahoo, so feel free to access them from there and pass this info on to others:


And on Yahoo:

Any problems give me a shout.

There will be most likely 5 volumes in total, and don't think I'll get them all done before we close, but they will be all put up in both places.

Hope you like them and enjoy! And 'drinking tea', missus?? That DOES surprise me!! smiley - laughsmiley - winkeye

Catch ye soon,
Jen smiley - cheers

(BTW, party on the threads Wednes night - What ye wearing, heh?! smiley - divasmiley - bubbly)

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