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Post 1


Hi Jen,

I hope that I got that lot through OK, this kind of work is not my cup of tea, computers are just typwriters to me.

No interest at all in fact I only stayed around to help ChrisG, and over the past week, my very little interest has dwindled from nowt to a very negative nowt- ten.

Personally I think they are very unhealthy to the body, and damaging to the mind. I also think that I have caught both symptoms over the past few weeks since Christmas, with rapid deterioration while everyone was boozing in Birmingham.

Thanks for all you have done since I came here.

Cheers H.

smiley - biggrinsmiley - magic

New posts

Post 2


Thanks H for all you've do and are doing - you really have been wonderful and it has not gone unnoticed. Please don't let your thoughts on this place be tainted. Yes, this ride has been a rollercoaster, but at least we all put up a good fight until the very end. And we have accomplished some amazing things and names for the GW petition - who would have thought? So cheers for being here and until the end.

Do take care of yourself,


New posts

Post 3


Thanks Jen I may drop in to see how you are doing on the new site, I think it will be great.

I knew we could really ask for no better deal than we got, but the pressure that we applied shook the very foundations of authority and Mss Cleaver never knew what to do about it, did you notice how quiet she became after the bbc interview, she could deal with that, because she is well trained for the purpose, but not with the flack and sheer power that followed it, the power of the pen=jen we proved the point.

Cheers H.

smiley - biggrinsmiley - runsmiley - magic

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