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submission for anthology

Post 1




Use my real name of Carrie Ann Riddell if you wish - hope this is Ok - been having a few glitches with my connection.

submission for anthology

Post 2


Hi Carrie,

Have got the above piece plus another you had sent in.

LMScott also forwarded on other pieces of yours for inclusion but they are not in keeping with the theme of celebrating/commemorating GW, so I can not include them. Sorry about that.

They were 'Mid-Life Crisis', 'The Time' and 'Secret Chambers'.

Also wanted to verify that your country of residence is England, yes?

Just post comment here and I will visit later.


Jen smiley - biggrin

submission for anthology

Post 3


Can't remember sending another piece in(?) Use whatever you wish though, happy to be of service!

I am a Uk resident, but from Scotland, Galashiels down in the borders. If you want you can include the town.

Thanks... thought I might be out of time, internet connection this morning was dreadful.

submission for anthology

Post 4


I'm just including countries where possible. Good to see where everyone is from.

Yes, I got knocked off this morn too.

Could I ask a BIG favour of you, and ONLY if you have the time?

I could do with a little bit of help in getting some member's User numbers - about 10 - if you can. Have you a moment?

No worries if you haven't. So far there are 83 works from 57 writers, so there is a lot to get through!

I'll be on here for a wee while.


Jen smiley - cheerup

submission for anthology

Post 5


Just noticed the time - can see you must have some hectic schedule!

Sure, I'll have a look, try my best anyhow. I'm usually up nights!

submission for anthology

Post 6


Ach cheers, you're a wee dote! smiley - hug

Basically what I need is the User Noms of the following members.

On the top RHS of screen is the 'Search' space and if you put the following monikers in it should bring them up. You may have to define that they are members though.

Once found you can copy down their U**** nom from the address bar above.

Like for you, yours is: U1259980 and mine is U710596. Do you follow?

If you have ANY problems just send me a note, OK?

The names are:

Clarissa Henry
Candice Taylor
Peter FW

Don't worry if you only get one or two - any help is most appreciated.

Thanks for this! smiley - biggrin

submission for anthology

Post 7


Oh, and two more:

Hard Henry

submission for anthology

Post 8


Hi Carrie,

Log has very kindly got the U*** for some of the above - Jazzmuzz, Naethyme, Candice and Goldenlangur. I didn't realise the time and I really hope that I'm not keeping you up. Please don't feel you have to do this now - OK?


submission for anthology

Post 9


Just about there Jen... bear with me, had to go to google in the finish - have most!

submission for anthology

Post 10


smiley - starAwh... you're an absolute star, THANKS for helping out. I didn't mean for you to go to so much trouble but it's a great help! smiley - magic

submission for anthology

Post 11


aliqot - U525306
scribbler U803254
clarissa henry u804237
serindippidy U1158219
Jazzmuzz U1292859
Naethyme U774190
Candice Taylor U991381
Goldenlangur U1071703
Nickyrichfield U555244

four I can't find though found it strange I couldn't call them up through Google when I found the others. Above search sent me on a few wild goose chases - used GW thread and my own conversations till I thought of the no. 1 search engine. Wish I'd done that in the first place!

Sorry to take so long and don't worry about keeping me up!

submission for anthology

Post 12


Ooops - shall re - post Clarrissa U804237

submission for anthology

Post 13


That's brilliant Missus!

Those last 4 names are from the 60 Worder Group in here. Sorry, I should have said and I might have taken their names down wrong. Opps.

Fancy a coffee? I'm away to make one and see if there is anything to eat! smiley - biggrinsmiley - run

submission for anthology

Post 14


Yes just got one myself! The four users not registered on MW either - I tried!

Got to look at washing machine now - leaking all over floor and my 3 year old daughter's decided to take my space in the bed, so looks like I'll be up a while yet - lol!

smiley - biggrin

submission for anthology

Post 15


Oh God, sorry to hear about the washing machine - I've been there! Well, my wee mutt has decided to leave a lovely turd in the kitchen too so will hve to clean that up AFTER I've had this coffee and toast with peanut butter. Yum.

I am a little insomanic also and average between 2-4 hours sleep a night, so I could be here another while too. Gawd, what are we like, eh? smiley - laugh
MAD I tell ye! Mad!

As for those last four - maybe if you check groups in here and the 60 Word group, they might be there. Sure, don't worry - I'll get the manager (who sent be a bunch of their stories) to sort it. Go grab yourself a break. And again, thanks a milllion. smiley - magic

submission for anthology

Post 16


No problem, had the little one up - that is till I realised she'd disappeared(!) and it was just gunk in the filter!

Glad to help, this site's helped keep me focused and back on track with my writing where as before I tended to do things in spits and spurts.

Notice H encountered a few problems posting earlier - says it was "never like this with a pencil!!"

submission for anthology

Post 17


Yeah, there were a few wee technical glitches this morn. Rarely happens but always happens when you are in the middle of something - typical!

Well, I've been here near a year and hadn't written (as in poetry) for nearly ten years - this place just helped me open that creative clam wider. Have also met some of the most wonderful folk. Leaving here will be like losing a great friend too, even if we all fall to other sites; this is the Mother Ship of them all. Has been a mixed sea of emotion, let me tell you! Lol

Mind you, have been so involved in the GW campaign and stuff, haven't really had time to write so I'm looking forward to folding into old habits again, if I can, that is.

submission for anthology

Post 18


Oh, I'm sure you'll get there - too easy to be dragged into the administrative side of things though. For a long time all I ever seemed to write were pieces of whatever friends of mine required - college work included (unpaid - how bad's that) Got good response from the tutor though who suggested to my friend that I should be doing the course instead!!! But that's just me.

Meanwhile - found the others

Seventh Age - U1288763, Wales
PeterFW - U1247903
Hardharry (?) - U1171105
Chertio - U1388936 (really annoyed when I found this I was only in conversation with him yesterday!)

In any case. Hope that's saved you and Caite a bit of work

submission for anthology

Post 19


Oh this has nothing to do with the BBC or Caite, or any of the EDs atall!

Doing this off my own back, (God knows why!), and a local publishing firm who I do some work for have kindly offered to typeset and design cover for gratis and produce asan e-book/PDF file. All unpaid; I'm as bad as you! Lol

Thanks a million for helping out though. We do have about 83 pieces of work from over 56 writers so there's a lot to do and put together by Tuesday - the day I hope it will all be ready. Fingers (and toes) crossed!

And the good thing is that you sure do seem to be writing, so do keep that up. Also have you signed up to yet? Still very early days but damn impressive!

Hope you can get some rest though. Might just stay another hour. Have all the pieces collected and mosty edited/proofed. Just need to insert them in here, then evenyually on iCan and to the e-book we go! If only it were so easy, eh?! Lol


Jen smiley - hug

submission for anthology

Post 20


Don't worry, I'll get my sleep - just keep stranger hours than most. Kids go out to a swimming club at 9, I'll get to bed then. Similar story through the week when they're at school.

Yes, have registered on MW. Agreed, it does look fantastic. Hadn't realised the ed wasn't jointly responsible for your campaign... quite surprising.

The anthology should be well worth the effort. From what I've read there are some pretty impressive submissions. It shall come together nicely and then you can give yourself that pat on the back you so deserve!

Ta-ra for now,


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