This is the Message Centre for PenJen

Miss Jen(erous)

Post 1


Dear Jen,

I just wanted to tell you that you have an open generous heart during all this time of uproar on poor GW. Hope you are doing well tonight.

anniesmiley - hug

Miss Jen(erous)

Post 2


Thanks Annie and especially thanks for your wee 'e' last night/early morn. Just took things to heart back then and let it show.

I'm grand as a dandy now and still trying to play catch-up. The party in B'ham was brilliant - really full of wonderful, funny and lovely folk - you would have loved it.

We have posted up photos if you'd like a look. Check the 'Who's Up For A Party?' thread on my folder and follow the links in there.

Hope all is well in NY and I hope to get chance to drop ye a wee note later on. Will be out drowning the shamrocks ALL day tomorow - St. Paddy's day!

Cheers Missus,

Jen smiley - biggrinsmiley - kisssmiley - goodluck

Miss Jen(erous)

Post 3


Dear Jen,

I will definitely take a look at the photos, I can't resist!

Things are well here. Today I worked all day on revising a story that I submitted to a magazine over a year ago, one of the editors asked that I rewrite it. He said he couldn't guarantee publication, but there is something to the essay that they want to give me another chance...smiley - smiley

Happy St. Paddy's day in advance!


anniesmiley - smooch

Miss Jen(erous)

Post 4


Hi Annie,

Oh, that's great news - well done! smiley - bubbly

Best of luck with it - althought someone I reckon it will be a winner no matter! As for St. Paddy's day - in about 12 hours time i hope to be drowning the smiley - goodluck! Will do one for you too!

I'm just gathering up all the anthology submissions so hope to have them up by the w'end. And go look at the photos - everyone's smily and laughing - great bunch of folk!

Take care, hon

x smiley - hug

Miss Jen(erous)

Post 5


Hi Jen,

I couldn't find where your Who's up for a Party thread. It's on here?

Anyway, I posted a new poem for you and the courageous/disheartened ones, Horsetail Streaks A3798138

anniesmiley - hug

Miss Jen(erous)

Post 6


Sorry Annie,

I should have posted yopu the link. This is the one with all the photos:

This should keep you smiling for a wee while!

Will catch you poem in a minute. Think me needs a fresh coffee and the dog needs a pee!

Jen smiley - winkeye

Miss Jen(erous)

Post 7


Dear Jen,

How great to see what you look like and some of the other writers here too. You all seemed to have a wonderful time that night, wish I could have been there too.

So many things transpiring now, and life looks hopeful again.

more later,

thanks for everything you've done. If you ever come to NY you must come over and hang out with me.

anniesmiley - hug

Miss Jen(erous)

Post 8


Hi Annie,

Yes the pics tell it all and more! Was really the best of craic, wish you could have been there too. Ye never know, maybe someday?

And yes, if ever I do go to NY we should hook up. Was menat to go there late last summer to see friends but it didn't work out so went to London instead - quite different!

And I also have BRILLIANT news for you and everyone!! READ ON...

I sometimes work for a local publisher AND they have very kindly offered to bring our collection of GW Tribute pieces together as an e-book/PDF file, with a designed cover and typeset for gratis, like in the same manner as GW two previous Anthologies.

Hopefully I can post the 'Cover' up somewhere soon for you all to have a look, and let me know if you want to use your REAL name too.

Pass the word on to any others who would like to submit a piece that celebrates or commemorates GW, as I will stop lifting submissions after Saturday 6pm.

And hopefully this Tribute Anthology will be available by next Tuesday!

Oh, I'm so excited! Also hae you checked out Cad's new site?

It's amazing! I've signed up too. See ye there!

Jen smiley - magicsmiley - bubbly

Miss Jen(erous)

Post 9


Dear Jen,

That's fantastic! What great news! I would like to use my real name. I am going to submit to you another piece to celebrate and commemorate GW. I'm getting my pencil out right now.

How wonderful that on our last days at GW we can smile, and have somewhere to move onto. I signed up for Cad's site it is amazing and hopeful.

Jen, you are wonderful for all the work you have done!

annie x

smiley - magicsmiley - smooch

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