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Cheer Up

Post 1


Don't be upset. Light up a fag and have a wee beer.

Fighting the effects of the deadly radiation Spock manages, "It is logical. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."

Kirk goes on (in his JFK way), "Or the one."

Millions use GW with pride and as a refuge for their thoughts. They are who we are fighting for. If a few people disagree with each other then thats just freedom of speech. Just noise and not the problem in hand.

Keep going smiley - cheerup
cu (and can ye adjust me blankets afore the rugby starts smiley - biggrin)

smiley - cheers

Cheer Up

Post 2


Awh... ye know me too well, Boss, eh?! smiley - laugh

Well, first of all - Not on-line after a few days release and it goes bonkers. And just to be straight up with you on the recent activity - I simple made a very honest comment about not being able to be involved in that particular venture and in no way was slamming H for all his efforts. Things just turned sour and it looks as if it was I who instigated it, where I was really just wishing them all well and proposing to continue on as I was all along.

My 'annoyance' stems from all the pettiness of comments and NOT stemmed from people's politics or royalist belief. Geezuz, sure don't I believe in smiley - ghost and smiley - fairy! Thought I'd upset you too.

Anyway, have been reading all your points on 'More Writing' and will get back to you on that. Head still a little hazy-lazy at the minute plus I have a few more wee party pics to throw up.

As for thee blankets - You canny pull the wool over my eyes, Mister, and say you're a Welsh man, eh?? smiley - laugh

Catch ye later,

Little Green Alien smiley - aliensmilesmiley - ale

Cheer Up

Post 3


Tis interesting what you say about aliens smiley - aliensmile and Welshmen smiley - dragon of whom you apparently met two. You are not far off the mark! Perceptive or what?

My father was born in Swansea and so I could have played for Wales, had i been taller, fitter, younger, talented, coordinated and so on.

Now during the following episode of my somewhat varied life
smiley - rocket
where I am noted as being a Saesneg, My DNA was tested by the Ruskies and found to be pure Celt (this sort of thing interests them). Now I attribute this to my Welsh father and West Country mother. And before that to the generations of my family who were water gypies plying thier trade on the Welsh borders, free at least in their hearts.

And my interest has been in uncovering the truth behind the conflicting dark age legends and ballards. What happened to the other estimated 7 million of my brethren before they were dumped from history like so much dung?

Which of course revolves nicely to the debate on the monarchy and the subject of subjects. My goodness, the royalty of England stole the heritage of my kin.

Now, in my position would you support Wales, my dear?

smiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - redwinesmiley - redwinesmiley - redwine
smiley - hug


Cheer Up

Post 4


And me smelling mystaykes F**k em, I thynk ys yer curect eyerish smiley - biggrin

Cheer Up

Post 5


And NOW ye sound just as ye did on Saturday night! smiley - laugh

As for the aliens and Welshmen - I'd never know... Wouldn't trust either. smiley - nahnah

BUT I do think they may have the upp er hand against the Irish in the upcoming Rugby. Ach sure, we'll probably win the Eurovision Song Contest, not that we really want to like... smiley - erm


Post 6


Aye that will be true. I blame Terry Wogan.

I do talk rubbish and not many appreciate that. Well they do appreciate I talk rubbish, but not that I do, if yer follow me drift. They prefer yer straight talk, officer.

I've even tried talking to a mirror to see if at least that sorry image understands. But it just came out back to front.

Of course St Patrick was really a Welshman (well actually British but talked the same and collected up snakes for a living).
Any ol snakes, Any ol snakes. Snake and chips (oops a bit anachronistic) Adder nough?

smiley - laugh

smiley - ok


Post 7


And I hate slugs too - yuck!

Good luck today with the match!

Think the ball is more is more in your court, though...smiley - ermsmiley - wah

Up the Irish! smiley - goodlucksmiley - run


Post 8


The Welsh are brave hearts indeed.
And they are also good at tragic losses.smiley - biggrin

This any good for ICan?
Rough and ready and quick.

A3806435 - Thou Shalt Create

The luck of the Irish smiley - goodluck.


Post 9


Perfect! Have copied it through.

Do you want me to use your real name or the GW one??

Let the luck be a ladt this avvo! smiley - yikes

As for "rough and ready and quick...' Erm, dunno. Can you run fast? smiley - runsmiley - laugh


Post 10


I don't mind about names.
Will go with the flow.

I expect i'll sink a few whichever way the mood takes the afternoon.
smiley - cheerssmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - ale


Post 11


No probs then. Real name it is then.

I'll be swimming with some smiley - ale too but reckon it'll be a drowning the spirits affair more than a reaching the shore home dry.

Enjoy the afternoon, boss.

Grrrrrr..... gulp!

Jen smiley - erm


Post 12


smiley - dragon


Post 13


smiley - goodlucksmiley - grr


Post 14


smiley - hug
Yer lot had us worried.
As it should be.
Now if the Scots can just beat the English

smiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - ale


Post 15


smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Well, I'm glad it was Wales! smiley - bubblysmiley - biggrin

Couldn't watch the second half, I'm afraid...smiley - erm

Well, there's always the Eurovision Song Contest...smiley - winkeye


Post 16


Yep, least it wern't the English.

Too much of the amber nectar?
The Irish were strong until the end.

yeah, Tom Jones a bit old to win that one.
smiley - laugh


Post 17


We could get into trouble here! smiley - laugh

And we gotta win at least 'something' this year, even if it is the Blearyvision...

Maybe Looby, Tom, Lynda and I could try out for a joint venture next year??? smiley - yikes

Nah, maybe not... smiley - ermsmiley - run


Post 18


Mornin (or evening in yur case)
HELLO - you on MSN? want to discuss sumut

smiley - smiley


Post 19


Awh... Sweetie can bearly keep my eyes open. Was goin to go to bed for a wee kip. Can pop on for about 5mins if ye want and in about 5mins, would that do - or if he'll take longer can arrange a time later today?

smiley - sleepy


Post 20


I understand- you been working on the anthology and drying yur Irish eyes .

But if u can give me 4.5 mins then you can think and we can talk later maybe.
smiley - biggrin

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