This is the Message Centre for PenJen

Dear PenJen

Post 1

the fat gardener

Dear PenJen,

Thanks for organising the get together.

It was lovely to meet you in person. But sorry I didn't stay later and get to hear the singing or to play pool. I was dying for a pee and we had lost you and Lyndabk again in the cold hard streets.

I ended up having a doze at a service station somewhere on the M40. Didn't know Birmingham was so far from home. Got home about 3am.

How about the next get-together for Writers Dock - the Hay on Wye festival? Or maybe an alternative writing festival - camping in a field in the warmer weather.

Sorry I didn't get to talk to you properly.

smiley - wahsmiley - run

Dear PenJen

Post 2


Hi Fats,

I KNEW you'd posted me a wee note but somehow it got lost, or I did, or I haven't been sober long enough.... SORRY, for my delay.

So lovely to hear from you as we were all worried about where you'd got to. One minute you were with us and next, gone. Thank-God you got home safe although I wish i'd had more chance to talk with you. it only seemed like a minute at the end of the night. Hopefully next time and that you could stay over.

Reckon there will definately be another get-together by late summer, be it at that writer's festival, Ireland or London. i'll be there without a doubt. Really enjoyed this one. Wonderful to meet so many great people and put faces to names.

Have you seen the phots yet? They are all posted up here:

I love that one of you and Lynda and me spying on you both!

Well, I'm just reading the wee worders for our last challenge here and it's making me sad to leave this place, even though most of us are now over at WD. have you checked out cad's site. It's brilliant. Do sign up:

Hopefully see ye about, Missus!

Jen smiley - biggrinsmiley - hug

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