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A short note of thanks.

Post 1


Hi Jen,

This is just a wee note of thanks for the tremendous effort you have put in on behalf of our little community to try to save GW. Your labours have been well beyond the call of duty, and has put those among us who have been less active in support as we should have been to shame.
I will only leave one story on the site when it closes - its about the closure - and as a small measure of my thanks I have inserted a paragraph or two in yours and Kitty's honour.
( A3700829 )
Please accept my grateful thanks for all the hard work you have put in to saving GW, and accept my warm best wishes for the future.


Alismiley - oksmiley - hug

A short note of thanks.

Post 2


Hi Ali,

Thanks for pointing me to your lovely wee craftedpiece, feel all the better for having read it.Also thank-you for being so sweet too.
I have met some of the most wonderful folk in here that I would never have dreamed of meeting and from all corners of the globe, never mind starting to write again after a ten year drought, that in itself the beaut gift. This hynoptic place is sure as hell worth fighting for, even if a losing battle, we can say we did our brst and kicked ass, eh?!

Best of luck to you & keep writing!

Jen smiley - magicsmiley - rose

Also would you be willing to add this to a collected body of work that concerns feelings on this place, or thereabouts, for inclusion on the iCan thread?

The original plea is suggested here: . . .

If you have not visited the iCan 'Save the Get Writing Community' Site the link is: . . .

You can also add your own personal 'Case Study' or 'Journal Entry' here too.

The article will look something like this, perhaps: . . .
Please do give it some thought.

All you have to do is post your A**** to that thread.

Many thanks! smiley - biggrin

A short note of thanks.

Post 3


I'm so sorry, Jen, I haven't a clue how to do this. I've seen the threads you have suggested - but I don't know where to stick the 'A' number! I'm such a fool when it comes to this complicated techno stuff so forgive me if I seem a bit of a bumbling idiot!

I'm extremely flattered that you've asked me to contribute, and I'm more than happy to - I just don't know how!

Help me,

Alismiley - erm

A short note of thanks.

Post 4


Cancel my last, all done now. (i think)

Kinda embarrassing nominating your own work though.

Anyway Thanks again
Alismiley - ok

A short note of thanks.

Post 5


Glad to see that you figured it out in the end! smiley - biggrin

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