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are you STILL up?

Post 21


It's a wonder that poor dog doesn't have a strangulated bladder, or does the house smellof pee?smiley - laugh

I have cpboards but gawd alone knows whats in them, they are like doors into another dimension, things mysteriously appear and disappear within their confines

are you STILL up?

Post 22


Hello Jenny wren, up all night again I seesmiley - laugh I'm off out soon, BUT did you manage to contact hotel? and are you leaving on the Sunday or the Monday? I am trying to figure out what plane to catch on Sunday the 2.30 or the 5.30

your drinking partner for the evening will be ME!!

are you STILL up?

Post 23


Oh, get the later plane do!! Apparently the Mother-in-law is making me a 'Sunday roast' but feck that - ther's always the chippy!!Me will be there until the Tues and yes, thank-God got all the reservations sorted out - will email all the details of the reservation numbers etc... to both you and Star later. Just as well I rang up to cancel those Friday nights for ye both or we'd be all sleeping on a park bench somewhere!

Seems like ages since we've had a chat too. Might give ye a quick call on the phone tonight. I'm flying in the morn (only one flight a day). Did you manage to get yours booked?

Way-Hey! Me all excited now! smiley - wowsmiley - bubbly

Also, trying to get all stuff done in here for iCan etc before I leave or I'll never do it.

Catch ye later and let me know if you'll be about. Want to know your thoughts on the little thing I sent ye recently! smiley - laughsmiley - winkeye

are you STILL up?

Post 24


Tonight is good for me, we will have a 'quick chat'smiley - laugh

Booking my flights today

That 'piece' you sent me was hilarious as ever, keep up the good worksmiley - winkeye

talk later, and don't forget to pack your party frock.

BTW do you think an Ireland Rugby jersey would go down well in a Brummie pub?smiley - laugh

are you STILL up?

Post 25


Oh yes, and I'll were me green lucky knickers! smiley - goodluck Mind you I have an Irish soccer one - woud that count?? smiley - laugh

BOOK THAT FLIGHT, Missus and will chat later! smiley - run

are you STILL up?

Post 26


Flight booked, and e-mails received, are you about in an hour for a wee chat?

are you STILL up?

Post 27


I'll be free from 8:30pm - Shall I ring you or you me or holler 'cross them green fields, Missus? smiley - tongueout

are you STILL up?

Post 28


hi Jen, yeah 8:30 is ok by me, I'll ring you, and then you can ring mesmiley - laugh

are you STILL up?

Post 29


Righteo missus!

Seems we are all now be ing done over by the original quoted prices for rooms at the Thistle. Will fill you in on the phone. Grrrr.....smiley - wah

are you STILL up?

Post 30


further to our convo try U3148454

you have to go back about three pages of convos to the 18th of Oct. Happy hunting, oh and by the way you were there.

are you STILL up?

Post 31


Oh dear, that little U*** brings about a total 'blankety-blank', but I did get the other ones - smiley - laugh Kids, eh? smiley - winkeye

Well, you'll be glad to hear I'm washed, ironed and half-packed. Recharging the phone, found the passport, (and found a snickers and a fiver too!), but got next to no sleep. Call it leaving everything to the last minute and not down to total excitement - although I am really looking forward to the w'end.

Will ring you sometime Friday evening with better directions if I don't have access to the twin's PC. And BRING that spirited jersey, girl! Think I'll skip on the All Blacks and wear All Green instead!

Travel safe & don't talk to any strangers!


Jen smiley - tongueoutsmiley - alesmiley - run

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