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are you STILL up?

Post 1


Good morning me girl.smiley - biggrin

It is snowing here in fabulous Newry, a cold, cold morn. I hope the dawn found you well.

The kids are off to school, I have my first cup of coffee, and I thought I would take a peek in here to see what the night shift were up to.

How are you sweets, exhausted? smiley - hug

are you STILL up?

Post 2


Lol! Nah, me on about my sixth coffee but running out of fags though! (He went and bought me the cheap (Free State) B&H ones and they're rotten! smiley - laugh

And you have SNOW??? Snot fiar - not a drop here! smiley - wah I love smiley - snowball!! Here catch....

Anyway I'm far from tired... on some sort of adrenalin rush, to be honest. You have got to read Chris G's piece - brought teard to my eyes. Check the non-Fiction site, (I left my note with him direct). It give me some sort of kick to keep with all this GW fight stuff - if for him only, sweet soul that he is. You'll understand once you read it.

AND also was just about to leave this wee meassage with you too - so here goes - Bear with me, honey! Ha! I have a challenge for you today:


Would you be willing to add some of your unique pieces, or a fresh ode, to the idea of a collected body of work that concerns feelings on this place, or thereabouts, for inclusion on the iCan thread?

The original plea is suggested here: . .

The article will look something like this, perhaps: . .

Please give it some thought.

You really should leave your mark with your wiclked and warm humour on a site that is still 'active' and before these little GW corridors gather cobwebs and turn into a ghost town.

Give it a go - and I'll work on my 'Schooly' one, deal??? (Time permitting, of course!)

I'll be checking back on you later, Missus!!
Oh, I have to send you something interesting later on to - you'll have a laugh! smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

Jen smiley - biggrinsmiley - coffeesmiley - kiss

are you STILL up?

Post 3


I will certainly give it some thought, and I will get back to you before the day is out.smiley - ok

I am looking out on a landscape painted white, with big soft snowflakes still falling, it is beautifull.smiley - hug

Send me the funny stuff now smiley - laugh

I am the impatient one, I see you have been very busy, and I will go and read those links now, I am looking forward to reading Chris's

Lynda (your phone a friend) smiley - laugh

are you STILL up?

Post 4


OK, OK! I just KNEW you'd demand it NOW!

BTW, Serin says 'howdi' - told her I was about to send ye a wee msg.

Wish I'd snow.... smiley - sadface
It's just bleeding cold. Might go ut the heat on and wake M up to go to the shop for me and get me REAL smokes. (Found two straggly ones in the drawer here. Tasted like tipex - yuck!).

Would you not rather be my 'PayPal' - ye know, you pay me to be your friend, like? Good deal that! lol

Give me 10 mins and I'll have the funnies with ye...


smiley - biggrinsmiley - winkeyesmiley - run

are you STILL up?

Post 5


SORRY I got interrupted and then it took longer than I thought - have sent on to you now.

Let me know what you think! smiley - winkeye

are you STILL up?

Post 6


Morning Jen, I keep missing you because I haven't been on at night! I was in and out of here yesterday and there was no one about that I knew which was very sadsmiley - sadface

I am registered in WD but I don't know my way around although they have done a great job with it.

I want to write something poignant about the closure for ican, but everything I seem to come up with spirals into mushy sentimentality, so I will maybe wait til I have a jar in hand to get hit by the inspiration sticksmiley - laugh

I see you are working your butt off, Jen, and I applaud you for your effort and commiment, you are a true star.smiley - magic

Got the funnies by the way and sent you a reply hope you received it ok. Sometimes I can be a bit serious can't I ?smiley - laugh

Catch you soon princesssmiley - hug

are you STILL up?

Post 7


Here I am, Missus! smiley - yikes

Caught ye at last in one place. ASre you still writing things down by hand?? Hahahahahaha!! smiley - laughsmiley - tongueout

SORRY! But that was a classic... REALLY!

Well I haven't got a chance to try and write s'thing yet, but I will and ye, I got the 'lie up on the sofa' chat; all very well true too and by God, if I did nay know ye I'd think you were the incredible 'SHRINKing' wowman! smiley - winkeye

As for WD, I have only tip-toed in there but never for long enough to get the hang of it. Looks impressive though although won't allow me access to the ''Chat Room", probably just as well, too! Nah, the Kid sent me something about a 'Jav' thingy that will allow me to participate which I have yet to install/figure out.

Gweeze, my wee fingers aree freezing here (and my toes), I must go put the heat on and grab another coffee...

Oh - Had you any luck with booking a flight yet????

You better BE coming, Missus!! smiley - magicsmiley - bubbly

are you STILL up?

Post 8


Hang on, I'll be back in a min.... smiley - run

are you STILL up?

Post 9


Hubby is going to turf me off here to do some REAL work pah!!!!

He is breathing down my neck as we speak and not in a good way smiley - laugh

are you not working today, if not I will give you a QUICK call, not the all day marathon sessions that we usually dosmiley - laugh

are you STILL up?

Post 10


OHHHH, I'd love to chat but the fellais throwing me off the damn PC too and I have work ay 1pm, need to shower, get dressed, feed dog, feed me and all the rest. Could ring ye later after 8pm? Levae me a note or email when is best!

Gawd, and I could really do with a mad natter! smiley - laugh

Catch ye later, hon

Jen smiley - magicsmiley - kiss

are you STILL up?

Post 11


Later it is sweet sista, catch ye as the evening falls smiley - hugsmiley - magicsmiley - bubblysmiley - run

are you STILL up?

Post 12


Righteo Ma! As the curtains twitch and so we will itch... (Is there a 'b'missing there, eh?).
Say 'hi' to the hubby and tell him that we were having a VERY seriously literary discussion indeed! Spoil sport. Pah! smiley - cheerssmiley - somersaultsmiley - run

are you STILL up?

Post 13


Hey Missus, tried there just after nine - left a wee message. Catch ye later or in here. smiley - winkeyesmiley - tongueout

are you STILL up?

Post 14


Hiya Jen, me girl,

I haven't been online for a while, but I have LOTS of craic for ye, and a wee bit of bad news, are you at home today for a chat or maybe tonight?

are you STILL up?

Post 15



Was about to send you a quick 'e', but know running out the door to work.

Back after 7pm. Will 'e' you then or phone?
Leave me a note in here or elsewhere to let me know best.

Are you not coming to B'ham then????????smiley - erm

Jen smiley - grovelsmiley - wah

are you STILL up?

Post 16


Really gotta go now- didn't see the time - shite...

are you STILL up?

Post 17


OKekeley Dokeley, neighbourooney, I shall catch ye later, I won't be back in until after nine, out at the Feis again, (Hannah, got feck all, and very disappointed).smiley - laugh

Don't start fretting yet all is not lostsmiley - winkeye

are you STILL up?

Post 18


'morning Jen, I'm just up and I slept like a baby. Did the night time trawlers pick you up and carry you to unknown shores? smiley - laugh


are you STILL up?

Post 19


Mmmn, just a little bit, aye! smiley - tongueout

Gottago let a dog out for pee ectera, etcera and maybe 'clean' out some of them cpboards. Will be back latere withe something in the post. Still kept looking but couldn't find and I KNOW it's here somewhere! smiley - wah

Have a great day, missus. smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

are you STILL up?

Post 20


Might not get much done as actually don't have any 'cpboards'. Great then! No cleaning! smiley - tongueout

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