This is the Message Centre for PenJen

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Post 1


if you ever wanna talk

[email protected]

No Subject

Post 2


I've been thinking about making the connection with ye. RE: Organising the Irish session and all.

Thanks pet. Will email ye with mine and sent you note. Probably be tomorrow eve as I'm working from 9am to 7:30pm all day.

Brill night tonight and thank-God you were there! I've had such a laugh!

Must go to bed for a while. Wil deffo get in touch.

Sweet dweems,

Jen smiley - hugsmiley - biggrinsmiley - kiss

No Subject

Post 3


sleep long and hearty my wee princesssmiley - hug

talk the marrasmiley - smooch

No Subject

Post 4


Oh I wish! Had a long dayat work and in the early throws of another one today (Thurs)...

Sent ye mail, though (no male) just now.

Jen smiley - cheerssmiley - winkeye

No Subject

Post 5


didn't get it hon, try

[email protected]

No Subject

Post 6



Me resent note.. Let us know if got...

Cheers ma dears!

Qwerty smiley - tongueout

No Subject

Post 7


De nada, not a sausage smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah

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Post 8


Have resent again missus...AAggggghhhhh! smiley - laugh

I had the CAPS wrong... duh! Did ye get yet? If not will post my email address here, OK? smiley - cheers

No Subject

Post 9



I've just had the message I sent you about 12hrs ago returned stating that it will be delayed. smiley - erm

Try emailing me instead: [email protected]

Catch ye somewhere, Missus! Phew! smiley - winkeye

No Subject

Post 10



I have E mailed you, hope you got it. Can't believe what has happened here when my back was turned. It's late and I'm going to bed soon.smiley - sadface

Catch a moonbeam

No Subject

Post 11


Hey soul sista,

There are plans in the hatch and a lot of organising going on to try and save this place, if any chance at all. There has also been another site set up and around 40 have joined so far. (I have too).
Just sign all the petitions (listed on my port page) and really, thank-god for email - we can also sure keep in touch PLUS we must start slimming for the hopeful big party bash over the water after the New Year! We could also to a wee mini-trial one in a dirty old man's joint somewhere near a town near you!

Got your email and will send you a wee reply before w'end close for sure. Have missed not being in here as much amd have a gool old yarn and a barney with ye and all.
Chin up, doll!

Jensmiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - bubbly

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