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lo jenny wenny

Post 1


is me here, want you to have alook at my poem Nan Bullin, just witten it, haven't posted into any cirlce, because it's not finished, tell me what you think if you would, dear friend, cos I think you're the only one who will understand it. Having asmiley - ale and feelin the ole vibessmiley - cheers

lo jenny wenny

Post 2


You know my nickname used to be 'Jenni Wren' as I was the tiniest in my class, aged 11. Lynda, how COULD you bring that memory back! smiley - wah

Nah, 'tis OK 'Lindy-Windy', I'll forgive ye THIS time!! smiley - laugh

And, I'm away to check your piece out. I always love reading your stuff, anyway! smiley - biggrin

lo jenny wenny

Post 3


liftin' her umbrella
she beat down upon the tank
that rumbled through her street
until an officer of rank
stayed her hand, with 'Madam'
please put your weapon down
The wee woman said
as she pulled her shawl round
Nan Bullins B's***d
ye're standin' in MY town

Hell, it works for me girl! I wouldn't expect about 50% to get it in her though. Two words that stuck out kind og not quite right: 'stayed' - how do you want to illustrate his sweeping away of her hand, without it seeming TOO 'violent' etc? (although I do know what you mean).

'B's***d' is this meant to be 'Bastard'? (Ah, feck the ****'s!)

That aside, it sums up that reality so bleeding well. I can even feel myself getting angry. Lynda, this is short, sharp, brave, real truth. You have got that it one. I want more of this but I know it would be deemed controversial and could end up a mess. I give all thumbs and (two) fingers up! smiley - winkeye

Jen smiley - hug

lo jenny wenny

Post 4


Thanks Jen for your ever thought out and thoughtful comments

This is true, as most of my writing is, as I told you before. It was told to me by an older woman who witnessed this scene in West Belfast. When the wee old women said 'Nan Bullin', the officer, replied, you people have very long memorys, understanding at once that she was talking about 'Ann Boleyn'

lo jenny wenny

Post 5


Gawd, I didn't make that connection. Guess for me I did'nt need to. Knew where you were coming from. Are you going to post it up?

lo jenny wenny

Post 6


Don't think so at the moment, it needs work, and it could be longer, but the idea of it has stuck in my head so long, it has to come out sometime. Do you like the connection? When I first heard it, I felt proud, firstly, that, our education was so great, and, secondly, that we can, for use of a better word, bastardise a name so well

lo jenny wenny

Post 7


By Gawd, yes! And I agree with all you say. If only they fecking knew, eh? (Could tell you stories from this side of town, although I'm a sort of blow-in, but my Mother's from here and I only grew up over the border).
I think making it longer is definately worthwhile. Please keep me posted. I want to follow you with this. Fair play to ye. smiley - goodluck

lo jenny wenny

Post 8


ye know somethin pet.

I can come up with great ideas, great one liners, and very short stories that can seem complete in my hands. But I am the literary equivilent of a prostitute, I only do as much as I can get away with.smiley - erm

You. on the other hand, I have to say, are the genuine article, you are an alchemist, words melt and bend beneath your hand into shapes that I and my like can only imagine.smiley - magic

but we shapeshifters will unite one daysmiley - winkeye

Windy Lindy!

Post 9


You know what? I'm meeting the most amazing folk in this hynoptic hive and I reckon a day will come when some of us will shake hands and get drunk on laughter and words. I think I'll get out for 'good behaviour'! I reckon you've a good chance for early parole too! We will share a bottle alright. And it won't be holy water! By hooker or by crooker, you are the Emerald One, and I'm just glad we stumbled across each other, fag in mouth, feckin' away and singing rude-dude dahlings.

Lynda, you're an asset in this place and help keep me insane - smiley - magicsmiley - kiss

Go raibh maith agat, a chara smiley - hug

Now feck eff and lemme go read KieranJay's latest. smiley - laugh
(BTW, you should check out his 'Green Collection' smiley - winkeye) smiley - bubblyx

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