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whats the story

Post 1


with this rodmurray joker, is he a feckin prat or what?

whats the story

Post 2


Awh Lynda - Whatever makes you think that? smiley - erm

He's sound as far as I know him. Straight-up, funny and a decent enough chap. What's up, Kid? smiley - cheerup

whats the story

Post 3


I've just read up on that thread and the convo. You just got caught in the cross-fire. I'm afraid this happens from time-to-time and I'm sure nothing intentionally t snub at you. There is seemingly a bit of history between the other guys. Just ignore it, pet. Seriously, ain't worth the grief. Anyway, it seems they've all toddled off to bed.
To be honest, he's alright just gets a bit off-tilt at times. Don't we all. Well? smiley - erm

whats the story

Post 4


story of my life

join at the most imopportune timesmiley - winkeye

whats the story

Post 5


What are ye like?! smiley - laughsmiley - winkeye

(BTW, you have really overwhelmed me on your words next door. I might just open the window a little more and let a little more out, so cheers for that wonderful encouragement. Left ye a wee note.)

Oh BTW, many more congratulations on a further nomination to the 'Anthology' - your mostdelightful story of the car journet to Dublin (can't rem. the title). But well done, sista! smiley - bubbly

Irish Girls doing good, eh? smiley - laughsmiley - ale

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