This is the Message Centre for PenJen

Oh my darlin

Post 1


Where are ye me darlin girl, smiley - wah the only one that understands me smiley - wah

Am just gonna sit here till ye come

Oh my darlin

Post 2


am still sittingsmiley - wah

Oh my darlin

Post 3


OHHHHH!!! I'm SO sorry! Your arse must be like comatosed leather! Have been all over the shop as inactive last 3 days. Catching up, and i see that you are interested in joining the 'Purple park Poets', if I'd known i would, well i should have told you about it. Sorry about that. Kev's the man to ask but seeing as was about at the beginning and when all the chat was going on about it, plus he's a dear friend, i will convince him to allow this amazing lady into the fold. The quota was for 15, it's now 24 and i think 25 would just round it off. ill put my case forward by Monday as he'll be off line until then. Are you still interested?
You already know me, Kieran, and possibly Looby and Roy, plus a few from the recent '60 word challenge' gang.

You up for it, Kid? I'd love you in, although i've been a bit vacant lately in subscribing to it. Very busy in real world. The usual distractions!
Then that would then make three Irish Princesses - Liz is originally from donegal know resident in the Canaries. You'd love her poetry, really beautiful.

What ye up te, missus?

Jen smiley - smooch (forgive me?) Here have a smiley - alesmiley - tongueout

Oh my darlin

Post 4


smiley - laugh

Yeah, I'd love to join if there's room. Was up to the wee hours last night talking to friends on here, met a new one from Lurgan would you believe called Heavensangelgirl, you would have enjoyed the craic. At about three thirty, I spilled beer and killed my keyboard(had to buy new one today), and my last posts look like tourettes of the fingerssmiley - laugh

How you then? all well on the west coast?

Oh my darlin

Post 5


Ach!! trust me to miss a damn good drunken night!!! smiley - wah

(Left a few drunken, very drunken posts sometime thurs/Fri am. Was afraid to log on for a while! smiley - laugh)
People must think us Irish are nothing but alco's!

And did you REALLY have to buy a new keyboard. Awh Lynda! What are you like! smiley - drunk

BTW, Eniggy is getting jiggy on the thread 'When is a poem not a poem', come over for a wee beer......smiley - run

Oh my darlin

Post 6


Can't tonight sweetheart, I'm falling asleep over my brand spanking new keyboard.

Just thought I'd say hello, you have a good time though, don't stay up to late and tell the boy wonder I said hello.

See ya the marra smiley - hug

Oh my darlin

Post 7


Well, sleep soundly, sweet soul and LEAVE the keyboard where it is!

Will be reading your latest later and will catch you hopefully tomorrow!

Slán leat a chara, ina grá,

Jen smiley - hugsmiley - kiss

smiley - goodluck (I found this one earlier! cute, eh?)

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