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Post 1


No doubt you are already in a group but i just got made the owner of one and wondered if you'd like to join, since i enjoy your work and feedback? Get back to me either way! There are a couple of good ones on there and i dont know the others.


Post 2


Well to be honest, I just joined one this week "Purple Park Poets'; a group of us who all enrolled on GW together, around the same time, and kind of now miss the purple haze of the old site before this lighter-shade-of-pale make-over.

I had a wee glace at your menbers (as in POETS! -Shame on me, that was low, but it's 5:33am and I've been dwinking...)
ANYWAY, I know your good self and Bribrow, (He's a cool dude and his work is exceptional), and I am honoured that you've asked, but for the moment I will have to decline. My time will be more limited here in the next while, but you never know, may change my mind.
One thing is for sure, I will continue to check your work out and comment, without a doubt, you sick buzzard. (It's the Zombies and bald Medusa that have made me say that!)

Thanks anyway and best of luck with it.

Catch ye soon,

Jen smiley - biggrinsmiley - ale


Post 3


Haha, no worries. Sick buzzard eh, never been called that! Ah well hope to hear from you soon!

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