This is the Message Centre for PenJen


Post 1


I added you as a contact - hope you dont mind. You seemed nice and made good comments. Feel free to do the same.


Post 2


Well, I've added you as a friend and I can ensure you I'm not 'nice', I'm more naughty! (I hate that word - 'nice', sorry!). Have also now thrown you into my melting pot of buddies, so behave!
Thanks for reading all my recent pieces, greatly appreciated, plus all your honesty of comments.

Three of them were submits for an in-house '60 Word Challenge' thing. To explain:

Basically you write a short story on one, or all, of four nominated titles in 60 words only. You will have to enroll as a entrant on the thread below.

The convo link is in Spiderbaby's folder:

This has been the third challenge to date, the next one probably up at begining of October. Just keep your eye on the tread for the updates, if you're interested. This was my second one.

As my muse has buggered off to somewhere foreign, this has helped me stir and hone a little writing discipline. It has also been a good exercise tool.

(The 'Juke Mail' was not just about 'surface' mail, but a little retort at that fecking muse to return to it's rightful owner, damn it and its barren state!)

Anyway, once all 'pieces' are posted up, each person then marks out of ten, bar their own, of course. It's fun and you get to meet other writers, and it is amazing the creativity and diversity it expels.

If you're up for the next challenge, you will have to sign in, post a message and request Spidey's approval. We have 20 competitors enrolled in this one and over 60 pieces to review. Closing date was this Sat but now stretched until 1st October, because there is so much o read and crit. Maybe we'll see you in the next one! I'll keep you posted if you want.

Don't worry, I haven't forgotten to to get back oto you on what feeback i lesft on your poems. I will do so this w'end. Keep it up! (The 'writing' that is! Tut!).

Catch ye soon, Kid,

Jen smiley - cheerssmiley - biggrin

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