This is the Message Centre for PenJen

Lo Jen

Post 21


I didn't know there were no Y's in the Irish language, sure we've been anglified for 600 years.

But Gaelic is coming back strong, why my own 12yr old son speaks it, but, Lola, we speak a cross speak of old Hibernia- Anglo here, some words do not translate well into pure Anglo -Saxon

Lo Jen

Post 22



I got distracted, side-tracked and I have just read your poem Lynda! Beautiful! It's as if you knew we were going to be discussing this sort of subject tonight! Your poem is steeped in a mysical veil!

I am away to post comment...... smiley - fairysmiley - winkeye

Lo Jen

Post 23



stick with us

we do make sense after awhile, promise

Lo Jen

Post 24



everybody's gone and left me, on my own

I'm a good person, I am(hic)

gonna start singing in a minute

Lo Jen

Post 25


......... smiley - whistle..............smiley - bubbly........................smiley - run I'm dwunk!

Lo Jen

Post 26


Oh o Hannah loving Hannah
Won't you give to me your hand
You said if you should marr-a -a-ry
that I-I should be the one

That I should be the one
that I should be the one
You said if you should marr-a-a-ry
that I-I should be the one

So I set down by the riv-e-ver
and I set me down to weep
You said if you should marr-a-a ry
that I-I should be the one

Lo Jen

Post 27


A three hundred year old Irish lament I sing to you, and you ignore me, feck that, I'm going to bed

goodnight sweet jen

don't dream of Poolka's

Lo Jen

Post 28


Well, I've been bust writing up the ittle gem of a story about Oisín and Niamh in 'Tír na nÓg' in your poem 'Longingly', so i am forgiven!! Aren't I? smiley - grovel

Thankyou, Celtic Princess for such a lovely evening and do sleep well!!

Catch a falling moonbeam soon!

Jen smiley - magicsmiley - wizardsmiley - cheers

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