This is the Message Centre for PenJen

Lo Jen

Post 1


thought I'd pop by to say hello, we keep missing each other these days. Congrats on the 60 word challenge,smiley - bubbly I knew you would win. How could you not, with that lovely freeflowing wordsmithy style that is yours and yours alone. What a voice you have girl, singularly soaringly rip roaringly good.

I haven't been about for a while, but I've been here all day, almost.I'm having serious doubts of confidence now, beginning to think I'm not good enough to be here and such.

I think I'll get another bottle, and look through a glass darkly.

Slainte girleen

Lo Jen

Post 2


Yo, it's cool Lydia in da house!! smiley - biggrin

Seems a while since we've been chatting, MRS! Did you get my last message, of course you did... RE: Your Poker comp last w'end? Well, how'd you do? Were you the Ace of Hearts? Hopefully not a Joker, mind!

And thanks for telling me about that '60 Word' thing. I got a quare shock last night when I found I got first! smiley - yikes! And I guess your vote tipped it over the edge. Geez, I do hope no one thinks us Northern Nuts are in some secret scoring pact! As if!! smiley - laugh

No really, thanks for all the lovely things you said. It means a lot, because, like you, I am overwhelmed by the volume of work being posted up and such high quality. It unnerves me a little to through anything in at the moment, although my little muse is on strike. I have been trying to black-mail the wee fecker, but nah, the lazy shite will not come to the surface and inspire me. The buzzard!

So girl, get that bottle. Hey, get the grate and let's drown our sorrows. I always feel much brighter after a smiley - ale or smiley - bubbly or three.

You have it in ye big time. Your poetry is unique, stark and vivid. Your economical word-style is well-executed and I admire this rare handling, one of the few who excels at this form. You have nothing to doubt, Lynda, nothing. smiley - hug

So doll, bottoms up, chin up and get down and scribble!

Always a pleasure, treasure! smiley - winkeye

Jen smiley - cheerupsmiley - magicsmiley - ok

Lo Jen

Post 3


ach there ye are

ye rise to the top, like the crest of a wave. And in my own fey way I see ye in my minds eye, around 5'5' with nut brown hair, hazel eyes, and white skin. So go on now disavow me.

Of course I'm on the 'second' now, and am more effusive, elusive, exclusive

My vote had nothing to do with it girl. You stand alonesmiley - winkeyesmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

Lo Jen

Post 4


Can you SEE me?!!!!

You have described me far TOO accurately! (Although I'd like to think I was 5ft 6"!
Way TOO freaky!!!

Well here's to the third! smiley - bubbly


Glad to see we're doing the challenge again! But, hey it was hard trying to think up titles! I just took a look around my room and was tempted to give book titles, but they were all too cheesy and would probably trigger off love drivel; nothing wrong with that; but I do so like to read unusual stuff.

Know what I mean, space-girl! smiley - ufo!
You're the smiley - star!

(PS: I have freckles too!! smiley - laughsmiley - biggrinsmiley - tongueout)

Lo Jen

Post 5


It's the Irish Druidism in me, that makes me fey

Of course you have freckles, in days gone by, you would have been made to sit under a parasol, so prized was your skin. You are a dark haired, white skinned beauty, a true Irish Colleen.

With the tongue and wit of all your forebearers, the last of the Celtic warriors.

You know something, what a book we could write, if we gave full say and sway, in our cups, to what is in our hearts!

Lo Jen

Post 6


NOW that is an interesting challenge?!

Did or do you know that I believe in fairies, banshees, folklore etc... seriously? I do.

Myself and another gathered a selection of local folklore and superstitions, (aroud 1992-93), and translated them into stories, keeping very much to the style and manner they were related to us, it got published here. Sadly now O/P but a special, wonderful experience and such a joy to visit the older folk and listen to them relate their pocketed histories of all things magical, mystical and That Land Beyond... Of course, whisky was used on occaisio to bribe some... smiley - laughsmiley - magic

Where did you say you were from again, somewhere in Co. Antrim? Don't mean to pry it just helps to place you...

Met a guy on site a few days ago based in Portadown...

Keep pouring, I am......smiley - ale slurp....

Lo Jen

Post 7


ANTRIM? how dare you insult me so! I'm a down girl, sixteen miles from the border to Dundalk, I'll have you know.

Of course you believe, we live in a mystical land, and historically speaking, we were the last enclave of the old beliefs. we married our old druid thing with the new christian thing very well, up until the late 900's when we were told we couldn't. But we never do what we're told, do we?

Lo Jen

Post 8


No. And why should we?
That is the magic of being is it not?.
To leave a mark, a footprint on the glad-stones, the standing stones of history and pass on words, stories, love etc like fine silver from one generation to another, sewing the threads of the past to create/preserve a tapestry of timeless quality for the future.

I am not religious although I am a disciple of all things autumnal and the sea. Should have been a mermaid or a tree, to be honest! smiley - laugh

You seem well-versed on the olde historical truths of Christianity, BC, I'm afraid I am thin in it's knowledge although it is something I have always wished to seek more on.
Time a killer. My current reading limited as have to do so, (rather than allowing myself to devour the 30 plus books sitting to the left of me gathering dust), as I write Book Reviews for local pres twice weekly.

Now music? Awh.......... It keeps those secrets alive and bursting, beautifully melting words on page, twinkling though, disturbing imagination and stirring that old gold pot....

Well, I am 20 miles form the Border on other side. Look out yer window, 'tis me raising a toast to the ghosts of our past and a salute to space-girl!

FairyJen smiley - fairy! smiley - bubbly

(Listening to Tom Waits at moment.... mmmnn.. smiley - magic)

Lo Jen

Post 9


ah you're too kind

I've a smattering of knowledge, here and there

read quite indepth into the history of belief(any belief in organised religion)

know quite a bit about Greek mythology

But our Island is quite unique, we were always known as 'fey' a word only used about us.

But we are aren't we

Lo Jen

Post 10


As in 'oh-fey' with something? Ah, yes...

You do delight me!
We do have our own little masterful colloquialisms and sprinklings of secret words and phrases!

Are you studying all this; Greek Mythology/religion etc or is it just a personal passion?

Am I right to belive you are a 'White Witch' too???? smiley - wizard

smiley - wowsmiley - ale

Lo Jen

Post 11


Hi Jen, Lynda,
hope you don't mind me butting in but I'm trying to find my way round the new 'look' site and haven't worked out how to leave a message yet, thought it'd be easiest adding to the most recent postingsmiley - blush
Couldn't help reading the preceding conv. (I'm not a curtain twitcher - honest!) had formed an image of Jen too, I find it easier to talk to someone if I get a feeling about how they look and saw you (jen) as brunette with green eyes, pale and slim 5' 5-6'' so was pretty close too! Can't claim to be 'fey' as am not Irish, but at least can be very intuitive.
I'm not religious but have some spiritual beliefs, love all things mystical/mythological. Studied Classical Greek and the Epics of Homer at degree level (for fun smiley - laugh) I'm fascinated by Greek mythology, love autumn, the smell of burning wood, fallen leaves and the golden glow! Have about 80 books to my left right now, but mostly language/thesaurus/classical stuff.
Love drinking and smoking.
Just thought I'd say
smiley - biggrin

Lo Jen

Post 12


I've just read an English dictionary definition of the word 'fey' - strange, other wordly, - fated to die soon.

How little they understand the language of the real middle earth

Lo Jen

Post 13


smiley - laughsmiley - biggrinsmiley - laugh

Fer feck's sake, they need to cool their gums and wind their necks down, eh?

Bleeding typical, aye.

Another smiley - bubbly, dear?

Lo Jen

Post 14


Maybe you need to look in an Irish dictionary for the proper definition? smiley - biggrin

Lo Jen

Post 15


Ach... LOLABEE!!

Lolabee...... Lynda

Lynda........ Lolabee

There are NO 'y's' in the irish language, Kid! smiley - laugh

And Lola, me & Lynda are IRISH and should know better!

Fancy a smiley - bubbly?

Lo Jen

Post 16



I'm only READING your message above! smiley - blush

Lo Jen

Post 17


Don't need to, LLB

We know what way the wind blows, that is being fey

We know how high the spray throws, that is being fey

Our feyness is with the fairies, and there, our knowledge grows

Lo Jen

Post 18


Hi Lynda smiley - biggrin
smiley - bubblysmiley - ok
No 'R's' eh? I think Br'Y'an McFadden and Nick'Y' B'Y'rne might have something to say about that, or do you spell it differently in Irish? smiley - laughsmiley - laugh
How ya doin? smiley - hug

Lo Jen

Post 19


I'm having problems, keep getting 'service not available' think I missed a msg or 2 there?

Lo Jen

Post 20


There are NO fecking 'F's' either.
Or W or X or Z,

ZAT! 'Tis all fey, eh?

Lola - that we message comes up if you click links too quickly, or so I've found.....smiley - winkeye

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