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Post 1


Penjen, you have the airy fairy touch. I love ye my girl, I'm drunk now, so maybe now I can write like Dylan Thomassmiley - biggrin


Post 2


Ahh me wee mad thing, WHERE are you now? Mise a little bluttered at moment (4:11am) and we keep missing each other....smiley - wah

How have you been? You missed a good ole banter last Sat nite with Thoth & Roy. Could have done with your midas touch, girl!
Hear/read you won some Poker thing - well done Queen Ace! You're a bottle of tricks, eh?! smiley - cheers

And how did you know that I believe in fairies? And I REALLY do too. Helps when I have the magic potion at hand though. AND another thing, mussus - Is the wee Donegal lassie not a taken 'cara' for your port? I'm hurt.... smiley - cry
And there's me thinking us Emerald folk would buddy intact and fight off any wee devils that dare wrath us!!

I'm drunk and maybe I will write like Thomas Cook smiley - biggrinsmiley - tongueout

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