This is the Message Centre for PenJen

60 words

Post 1


G' Morn,

Just had a go at a 60 word thingy.

Does it have to be exactly 60?


Have a look and see what PJ thinks...

smiley - smiley

60 words

Post 2


Have just dug my teeth into it! Wonderful.

Actually it was Lyndak and Roy who turned me over to this GW in-house comp. Great way to stimulate the muse although it is not as easy as it looks! The basis is that someone suggests four titles for consideration, and you can do one, or more, in a 60 word or less piece.
The two I did tonight have to be done by Sat 11 Sept, and we all in turn mark each entry out of 10 to find the winner. The winner then chooses the next four titles, I think. It's fun an you get to meet new folk plus read what others have penned from the same title as you. Interesting.
As far as I know, Spidey started this thread and this has been to 2nd or third run,
You also have to enroll, (15 people tops), to become part of it. You then post the A***** in that thread, and if you want to, for general review. The thread with all the activity is:

There should be one kicking off next week i hope, I'll let you know if you wish or just subscribe to the thread. Got your 'e'. We can still have THAT interview, ye know! smiley - laugh

Catch ye later,

Jen smiley - kiss

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