This is the Message Centre for PenJen

Welcome Home

Post 1


Good Morn,

How's PJ?

Welcome back - is the recovery complete?

smiley - smiley


Welcome Home

Post 2


AHA! My Knight in shining armchair has found wee PenJen speedy on the keyboards and sober may I add! Had a wonderful mad w'end and glad to get back to normality. Sixty of one's relatives can be a bit overwhelming yet it was great to have all about. Most of us retreated into teenage mode and got told off by our parents! It was so hard not to answer back and storm off in a huff! LOL!
Reviews of your pieces I will post later to you tonight. And I DO want to know how YOUR w'end went! Was all that polishing and hoovering worth it, Sir?! smiley - winkeye

Tell ALL! smiley - laugh

Jen smiley - biggrin

Welcome Home

Post 3



How was your first day back in the real world.

Back in the swing of things?


Phew it's hot...


smiley - smiley

Welcome Home

Post 4


Sorry, Thoth.....

I've been battling the odds on the 'GW Anthology... thread' and haven't got round to sending you an email. Forgive me. I'm all fired up and it's kinda fun! Got your message and will give my view before I hit the sack, (which will probably be around 2am, as have other work that I am SUPPOSED to be doing instead of strutting around the corridors here! Ha! What's new?)
So you watched a VIDEO? OK then....smiley - winkeye

Do you not think you should take off the wholly hat, legwarmers and sleeping-bag padded jacket when you're indoors, Sir? Plus the lambswool underwear has GOT to go. Thoth, it's for your own good, really.... Penjen knows best!

smiley - tongueout

Welcome Home

Post 5


PJ wants Thoth to get undressed...

The lady has no shame...

smiley - tongueout

Don't stay out too late.

smiley - smiley

Welcome Home

Post 6


Rude THOTH!!! Wee PenJen a good girl, I am. smiley - loveblush

Don't worry i'll be curled up and sleeping by three! AND there will be a wee message for you in the morning!

DON'T FORGET to wash behind them ears and wash the mouth out with soap. Imperial Leather takes the biscuit!smiley - winkeye

Jen smiley - kiss

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