This is the Message Centre for PenJen

G' Morn

Post 1



On a late nighter, taking Sis to airport later...

How's PJ?

Do you have ICQ on your PC?


smiley - smiley

G' Morn

Post 2


ICQ? Eh? smiley - erm
I conquer queues?
I can't quack?
I care quietly?
I cover quick?

And you NEVER said what dessert you preferred!!!!smiley - laugh I know, I was disappointed that 'Dulcia' wasn't there either, but it's a delicacy and NOT available to the masses! Only a select, precious few! smiley - winkeye

Am only INTENDING to be here a WEE while but we'll see. 'Tis late for you to drive, have you far to go? Be careful. Use both hands now!

Jen smiley - biggrin

G' Morn

Post 3


This site is playing up this eve.

ICQ is one of those instant chat sites.

My name there is Pogmo, and yes I do know what it means in Scotish Gaelic. smiley - blush

Sweetwise... it seems I'm...

Sexy, always ready to give and receive.
Very creative, adventurous,
ambitious, and passionate.

smiley - biggrin


G' Morn

Post 4


And I thought the net problems were due to my lateness in payng the phone bill, and that some wee fecker at CabelTel was tampering with thee connections for fecking badness!! Took me nearly 10 mins to post last message to you!

How do you access ICQ, POGMO! smiley - laugh

(Correct terminology is Póg mé thoin! I think the 'fada's' are in correct place!!)

As for THE description:

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes in WRITING terms, otherwise:

Expect so, would think so, most likely, without a doubt, wouldn't surprise me, probably, of course! smiley - laugh

Say no more! Ha! smiley - winkeye

Sure I'm all and more!

smiley - laugh

G' Morn

Post 5


And I thought the net problems were due to my lateness in payng the phone bill, and that some wee fecker at CabelTel was tampering with thee connections for fecking badness!! Took me nearly 10 mins to post last message to you!

How do you access ICQ, POGMO! smiley - laugh

(Correct terminology is Póg mé thoin! I think the 'fada's' are in correct place!!)

As for THE description:

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes in WRITING terms, otherwise:

Expect so, would think so, most likely, without a doubt, wouldn't surprise me, probably, of course! smiley - laugh

Sure I'm all and more! smiley - winkeye

G' Morn

Post 6


This is the SECOND time this has happened to me - double postings and then it asked me that I would need to register befor becoming a member. AAAAGGGGHHHH!

Am OK now, smiley - biggrin

G' Morn

Post 7


This is the SECOND time this has happened to me - double postings and then it asked me that I would need to register before becoming a member. AAAAGGGGHHHH!

Am OK now, smiley - biggrin

I Hope...............smiley - erm

G' Morn

Post 8


For FECK'S sake!!! It's taken almost 15 mins for this to get through! GGGGGGGGRRRRRRR! Might just give up and go to bed early, for a change (and it's ONLY 1:54am!)

Feel that I'm talking to myself...smiley - wah

Damn GW, PC, AM IT!

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