This is the Message Centre for PenJen

Thanks for the crit

Post 1


Just back after 3 days abscence, so replying to my messages, thanks a lot for taking the time to read and review, it means a lot to a complete novice like me, the only other poem I have on site is called 'calling back' its under the username 'kalhanjac' (long story) if you get the urge I'd love to know what you think, I loved your portfolio, so effortlessly creative, but thats exactly what I'd expect from a fellow Northern Irish, I will have a look at your work, and hope to talk to you soon.


No Problem!

Post 2


Hi Lynda,

Welcome to the fold of GW! I'm here since end of April and am addicted to the hypnotic hold it pulls you into! There are a lot of friendly, helpful and wonderful people out there with a lot of great writing, and some not so good. But drop all your stuff in.
How are you settling in? It's always great to meet a fellow Irish wan here. I think that brings about 4 I know of from Norn Iron, 3 in ROI, plus 2 ex-pats!
Where are you based? I am actually from Donegal though now reside in Derry. Fecking Armagh BEAT us yesterday in the Ulster Final! smiley - sadface
Ah well, it was a good afternoon spent in the pub if anything!

Anyway, a few wee pointers to help you get your stuff read:
Try reading as much as you can of others stuff so they become familiar with your name and wil,l more than often, return the favour. I tend to write mostly poetry and throw some into the 'Life Writing' section. There are many different sets of people in these groups. Also have you taken the 'Newbies tour?' it is helpful to get the hang of all about. Also visit 'The Craft' section for many ongong debates on different subjects, some serious, some trivial, but also a great way to get to know things and meet others. Also can be brilliant fun too. This is all time consuming too, I know ALL about it! Thank-God I have a patient partner, a lazy dog, (doen't like going for walks TOO often, the dog that is!), and suffer from insomania! Coffee and heavy intake of fags help too. Yey, I DO get SOME writing done too, between real life and the chit-chatter here!
If you'd like me to read your other poem on the other name - you will need to post me a message from there so I can check your port for the poem and i will review. It might be an idea for you to operate from one user name, as people tend to get suspicios if someone has two identities. There's a few lurking around who are best avoidable. You'll find out soon enough who is genuine and who is not.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask away and good luck. Go get scribling, girl!!
Good to meet you!

Jen smiley - biggrinsmiley - cheers

No Problem!

Post 3


Hi Pen

thanks for taking the time to give me all the tips, I didn't mean to have two ids here, I started as kalhanjac ( my kids names shortened) but after one session I hit the sign out button and when I tried to sign back in, I couldn't, so after three days of trying, and e mails to bbc had to admit defeat and join again, I can't access that site anymore, but I go and look at my poem now and then to see if anybody has read it, I'm from Newry and am a Down woman myself, and also a fanatical supporter of Irish rugby, bye for now

talk soon

No Problem!

Post 4


Hello there Lynda,

What's the craic? Me has wee sore head this morn BUT will catch up on reading your work over the w'end. So Donegal & Down are outta the picture and the Orchard county has pipped us to the post? Ah well, there's always next year!
Hey - might be a suggestion to cut and paste the said poem on to your other ID and put into your current port for review. Would love to read it, and I will. Promise.
Gotta dash to work soon..... smiley - sadface

Have a wonderful w'end, despite the rain!

Jen smiley - bubblysmiley - winkeye

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