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Hello Penjen!

Post 1


Thanks for commenting on my little poem. I think we have something in common as I manage a bookshop too! Only once in Northern Ireland (Belfast) for Christian Resources Exhibition on St. Valentine's Day. Went into a Garfunkles and they gave me and my colleague (female) a rose each. Talk about embarrassing!!! Nice to talk - count me as a friend!

Hello PenJen!

Post 2


Hi there Anonymouse!

Pleased to meet you! I've just posted a wee remark on your reply on 'Seven Daze'. Only discovered this link, so twice as nice the greeting!
So, we are of similar (pre)occupations! Cool! We can have some interesting discussions on the publishing and book world. Where would we start?!
I don't actually work in the Bookshop full-time anymore, since last July, 3 days a week only, and other three days in a mad and busy Library. It is an interesting comfortable mix of both. ISBN's and Dewey codes! Customers & Borrowers, All book lovers of some description, young and old. All the other stuff I do (organising book signings, author's visits, book reviews etc) is freelance. Time is of the essence and more precious. That's why I was drawn to your wonderful poem about Days of the Week! No need for idle minds, even though I'm lucky if I get 4 hrs sleep a night! Creative thoughts only bumble forth in the wee small hours of the morning - the most magical time as the rest of the world is sleeping!
Also, to be honest I know very little of Belfast and what 'Garfunkles' is - something to do with Simon or the sound of silence?! I'm at the other end of N. Ire.
I do think you should elaborate on the whole 'rose' scenario! Sounds like a 'hot' story & I want to know more! smiley - winkeye

So, keep the writing going, roaring and growing... and I will keep reading! Thanks also for looking at my mere offerings. Most of it is from a long time ago. Yet to pluck up the courage to produce 'squeaky' new material, as yet! I've been censored once though. Anyway, I appreciate your comments and honesty. The 'pithy' one was an absolute classic! Much better than the so-called poem in question!!

So, Mr. 'Mouse no doubt I'll bump into you on our travels!

PenJen smiley - magic

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