This is the Message Centre for Sir Muckford K. Wyrmbath ~ Researcher 52876

Which Dimension Does H2G2 Phase Out To?

Post 1

Sir Muckford K. Wyrmbath ~ Researcher 52876

I've been thinking, and sitting, and scratching, and blinking, and coughing, and salivating, and thinking some more. My good old-fashioned, oven-roasted ruminations have centered predominantly on this single puzzle: why haven't I been able to get to this site all weekend? Does anybody have any helpful comments on this mystery? I *could* be wrong -- it's the wise men who admit that they usually are -- but it looks to me like everyone else has been posting with no problem during my little hiatus. Could this be some weird personalized problem unique to my internet provider? I mean, what is the real deal... and who is this God person, anyway?

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Which Dimension Does H2G2 Phase Out To?

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