This is the Message Centre for Sir Muckford K. Wyrmbath ~ Researcher 52876
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Sir Muckford K. Wyrmbath ~ Researcher 52876 Started conversation Aug 7, 1999
*comprehension dawns in its own plodding convoluted fashion* I think I have finally developed on a bright idea on how NOT to ruin the format of my journal text, as happened with my introductory page. Maybe if I just keep typing on the same line like this, everything will fawningly fall into its designated place -- with a pleasant whirr, click, and besotted sigh, no less. I shall continue to hope -- after all, the world's bound to be swallowed by a giant guppy eventually anyway, and at that point I will have triumphantly risen above all these petty trials and tribulations!!! A strange nihilistic notion of "success" is better than no such gleaning at all. Or so I supect. :P
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