This is the Message Centre for NatalieAngel

Oh Blimey :-)

Post 1


Hi to everyone that knows me, i would like to appolgise to you all for not being on for some time. smiley - grovel
Well to be honest with you i just haven't had the time, so i really hope that you will all forgive me.
At the moment i have only got time to write this out now, for i have to be at work yet again.
Anyway i hope that you will forgive me, and i will promise to come in on Sunday.
Love to you all.
smiley - love xx*Nats*xx smiley - angel

Oh Blimey :-)

Post 2

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi natty
as i said this morning on the phone,its was time you popped on you had been away for weekks jimbobxxx

Oh Blimey :-)

Post 3

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hi nats.. smiley - hug

no apology needed luv.... you're not forgotten... you just stop by when you get the chance... just don't be overdoing it now...
take care my friend...
smiley - love n smiley - hugs sheryl... xxxxxxxx

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