This is the Message Centre for NatalieAngel

I'm back on line has any one missed me.

Post 21

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

well with a name like rosey i didn't think she was a bloke... smiley - roflsmiley - rofl

i like the vynal covered sponge books you can read in the bath.... lots of bright coloured piccies.... smiley - laugh

I'm back on line has any one missed me.

Post 22


smiley - laughyeh well smiley - cooland my collection of duck's

I'm back on line has any one missed me.

Post 23


Hi Sheryl / Intern smiley - smiley

How are you you both i hope that i find you both well as can be.
Sheryl the job i have is in our local hospital as a voluntary worker, but i think that i have caught something from one of them smiley - sadface
I haven't been too good for 5 days now, all i seem to be doing is running the loo all the time.
I have had the doctor out twice for i can't seem to keep anything down at all, oh well it's one way to lose weight isn't it lol smiley - smiley
Anyway i have more postings to reply to, so i will go for now and hope to hear from you soon.
Take care for i care ok, that goes for you aswell Intern.
smiley - love xx*Nats*xx

I'm back on line has any one missed me.

Post 24


smiley - smiley

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