This is the Message Centre for SarahLeigh


Post 1


this seems to be a very heartfelt poem. it has good rhythm amd scans well. it is a tiny bit cliched in places (sorrysmiley - blush) but I liked it nonetheless. it says everything that you want it to say. i'm not very good at the technical side of peotry but i know what i like and i liked this. i thought it was a very sweet, from-the-heart poem.smiley - magic


Post 2


Hello SarahLeigh,
I cannot find your poem, the guardian. But then again, I am new to this. I will appreciate if you have any tips as I would like to read it very much.

Thanks.smiley - ok


Post 3


Hello Jane,
Hope 1st names are ok!

If you still want to read Guardian just click on my name at the top of this message and that will take you to my portfolio. On the right is a list of my work. Click on MORE WORKS at the bottom of the list and it will be there! This works for everyone but you can also go to REVIEW CIRCLE on the left and read loads of works in there! Let me know here if there's anything else I can help with.
smiley - ok Sarah x
smiley - cake Have some cake to help you through!


Post 4


I read your poem and I don't know why you think it's poo it was lovely!
I don't think it's cliched at all (sorry jacksprat) I think its short and to the point and some of the best poems are the simple ones.

Justevesmiley - ok


Post 5


smiley - blush Thankyou Justeve!
I do not know what else to say!
smiley - bubbly


Post 6


I will get round to reading some of your other work at some stage and will let you know what I thinksmiley - biggrin

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