This is the Message Centre for U695218


Post 1

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hiya to you... remember me... we spoke a while ago... wondered where you had gotten to...
hope you are well these days...
anyway if you wish to get get in touch again, feel free... if not then i'll take the hint......
either way, take care....
bright blessings... smiley - peacedove


Post 2


Hello Paganmoon, how are you and your friends? How nice to hear from you again. Are you still posting on the "teashop" site? I promise I'll look in again soon,

Cheers, smiley - cider



Post 3

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Thankyou for replying, good to hear from you.. Yes I do still post on the tea shoppe thread.. What have you been up to of late?? Hope you are well... xxx


Post 4


Well I've just finished a 2 week break in Bahrain after finishing teaching an 8 week summer course at university here in Saudi. I have a flat in Bahrain as it's only a 50 minute drive from here (Dhahran in Saudi) and Bahrain's very friendly and liberal compared to Saudi. I do like my job here in Dhahran though, so I usually spend 4 nights here and then 3 nights over the causeway in Bahrain.
Have you had any hols/breaks this summer Pagan? How's the summer been? Here it's still very hot but come October and things should start to cool down a bit.
Take care, Lapis


Post 5

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Hi there Lapis...
The summer here has been a mixed bag... We've had some really hot sunny weather, then last month was awfull... It did nothing but rain, rain and more bloody rain... smiley - laugh.. Then we had the high winds... (the weather, not me.. lol) This week tho' we've had the sunshine again, but it's forcast to change again back end of the week... smiley - wah

No luv, I've not been away anywhere, as usual.. smiley - laugh It's not that easy with my disabilities anyway... We've had a couple of rides out in the car to have a break from everyday boredom...
My daughter started back at school last week.. She's just started high school, luckily she seems to be settling in ok...
Well it's been good to hear from you... Keep in touch...
Luv Sheryl... xxxxxxxx

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