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Post 1

Pete Mandik

 In a move that has analysts shaking their heads in disbelief, several things merged to form a mereological sum, otherwise known as a whole of which the things are now parts. This merger has come as a surprise to certain pundits who thought the things were better off as members of sets. When asked to comment, one of the things declared "We reject the ontological profligacy of set-theory and will now run our corporation on strictly mereological principles." Some mathmeticians were outraged by the move, citing the past several decades of model-theory as one of the most fecund research programs in mathematics. "Simply put," retorted one of the things who asks to be called The Part of a Whole Formerly Known as A Member of a Set "we don't give a flying rat's rectum about model-theoretic fecundity. A mereologically based nominalism is sufficient for contemporary physical theory. If you can't live without transfinite cardinalities, then go smoke an integer, you tedious twit."


Post 2


Quite quite fantastic.

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