A Conversation for Suicide

Suicide supplemental

Post 1


Suicide supplemental:

4. One might consider suicide to make others feel guilty. However in order to pick the ripe fruits of one's labor one would have to make a failed suicide attempt. Sometimes referred to as sending some one on a guilt trip.
5. As a victim of unpleasant pain and suffering, when painkillers and Prozac fail to grant relief suicide may seem like a reasonable solution. You might want to look up Kevorkian.
6. The last reason for suicide is apathy, the opposite of the above. Those who do not feel want to at least feel pain. One way of doing this would be to inflict wounds upon one's body. This will not go on forever though, the search for feeling and meaning and sense will usually end with either the decision to go on living or to die.

Suicide supplemental

Post 2


I suppose previewing would have shown me discussions just don't work the same way as the rest of the entries.

Suicide supplemental

Post 3


Yours is the only converse. I've found so far that might actually help. A dear friend has just been imprisoned (reasons I will not enter into here), everyone knows it is wrong & that the facts have been well overdone by someone else. My friend has already tried to OD since this all blew up & I am terrified that they may do it again. All I can do is write to he/she, when I found out where he/she has been locked away. What the ... do I write????

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