A Conversation for Coffee

Re:Ethiopian Coffee

Post 1


Upon reading your Guide entry on Coffee, your brief touch on the Ethiopian experience brought some memories to my mom's mind. She said, "..as an army wife, I was in Asmara, Ethiopia, from '67 to '70. On many occasions it was my good fortune to observe native Tigranians (sp?) make coffee. While squatting on the floor, they huddled around an American one pound coffee can turned upside down with a hole in the bottom and holes around the top sides. They inserted twigs into the can and lit them. Once they had a good little fire, they would sit your afore mentioned clay long nozzled pot on the can. They put ground coffee and water into the pot and boiled it. Chatting and laughing until it was ready. They had little tiny cups, (finjon ?), they poured the coffee into and added sugar, (the natural rough sugar), and sipped slowly, as it was very strong. I can almost smell its wonderful aroma, thirty years later. Thanks for the memory."
I personally was too young to know what she's talking about.

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Re:Ethiopian Coffee

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