This is the Message Centre for alzima


Post 81


Hi smiley - cool

No, it wouldn't occur to me either to look at the wires, my first thought is: "Aaaawww!!! now what??????? Help!"
Good for you though, fixing it all by yourself, next time I'm in trouble I'll contact you rather than the milkman. (Or didn't you hear that saga?) It's difficult, nowadays, to remember what you've told whom, so I can't remember who I told about my mishap in the Mini.
Coming out of our village (narrow road) I come to a crosspoint, where you can't see what's coming from the right. So, you inch your way forward slowly, all the time looking to the right, until you have to make a decision and "go". I did, and scraped my car against a bollard they've recently put on the corner. Don't know if people were bashing into the pub-wall all the time, so they put a bollard there. I'm trying to think about what my husband used to say: "It's not a matter of life or death, is it?" Funny, how often I have to remind myself of that.

Glad you found the web-site, I'm sure you'll find it quite easy. Look forward to seeing you there.

I was up at dawn with the hosepipe again. Now it's already soooo hot, nice and cool in the house. It must be a "children fun day" in the pub as the garden is festooned with balloons, bouncycastle etc. and they're cooking the onions for the hot dogs. Just as I've made up my mind to just have yoghurt and fruit for lunch.
Still, think how much healthier I will be.

Hope to see you on the other side then, if not here. (It always seems like we're talking about funerals, I think)


smiley - zoom


Post 82


Yet another quickie FLY,

I tried to go to Nick's site, but all I can get is a site for Brian Hayes, who is taking over for a short time for Jeremy Vine.

Will try again later



Post 83


Hi smiley - cool

I thought you said you had located the site and had a look at it?
Have another go, if you follow my instructions, you MUST get there.

I'm off out now, see you later.

smiley - love

smiley - zoom

smiley - smoochsmiley - kiss


Post 84


I DID locate it FLY...HONEST !!
What am I doing wrong then?
I have been putting was what you said wasn't it?
You give it a try..see what you get, and let me know......!!

I must be a silly old Al.

Have you been watching that programme on BBC 2; 'Restoration'?
One of the projects up for the 'prize' is The Old Grammer School and The Sarecens Head, at Kings Norton (where I live) The final is this evening at 9pm (I think) Both of these buildings are around St. Nicholas Church which is where we were married, as were two of our children; so as you may guess, we are very interested in the outcome.

Must fly...footie on the tele...then quiz night.

See you



Post 85


Hi smiley - cool

I did as instructed and what I get is R2 Pirate Forum, perhaps I should have told you that that is Nick's page.
Is that what you got?
If not, I don't know any more.

How interesting, that Restoration Program. Aren't you going to watch it then? I may tape it.

Weather here is unbearable. Left my friends at 5'oo as it looked like there was a storm coming. A bit later the sun came out again. It is sooooooo sultry.

Good thing you can't see what I'm wearing...

Hope you win the quiz to-night. Is it the highlights Arsenal/Man Utd. you are going to watch? Shall I tell you who won?

Enjoy your evening, see you soon.

smiley - zoomsmiley - smoochsmiley - kiss


Post 86



Congratulations! Your buildings are going to be restored. Well deserved too.

Glad I watched it.

Night night smiley - kiss


Post 87


No FLY. Cannot get to work. Am I searching in the right place(although I've tried everywhere) Where do you search?

Great news re. buildings....I thought that the presentation for the bid was excellent.

See you tomorrow...I mean today !!!!

Fondest thingumybobs

smiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kiss


Post 88


Hismiley - cool

Hadn't expected to see you on the CB so early. Haven't got the sack, have you?

Now then, once again, with feeling: I type (no full stop at the end!) in the bar right at the top where it says: Address. There's no searching involved. It's a proper Internet address. We've GOT to get it right one day!!!

We've had some rain at last, not a lot, but it has freshened things up a little.
And now it's time to cook my dinner, but I hope to see you later.
Please have another go, it's driving me bonkers now. I HATE things that won't do what we want!!!

smiley - love
smiley - zoom

smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - kisssmiley - kiss


Post 89


OOOH !! I love it when you talk to me like a schoolteacher....

Going to try now....



Post 90


Dunnit Fly !!!

It was that bloody full stop at the end that was the problem.

Going to the boards now...may send a message on NEW site later.



Post 91


smiley - cool


I can't find you. Are you masquerading under a different name?

Your name wasn't on the panel or have you not registerd yet?

I'm dying of frustration here!

smiley - love
smiley - zoomsmiley - wahsmiley - smoochsmiley - biggrin


Post 92


Hismiley - cool

I left you a message. Just click on the flag at the top of the page where it will say: you have 1 new message.


smiley - love

smiley - zoomsmiley - smoochsmiley - kiss


Post 93



I looked....I didn't see.

It just said that 'you have no new messages'...'spose it's my fault again isn't it.

Do you ever feel that you belong to an earlier age?

Bloody Pooters...Video Recorders....Mobile Phones...Text Messages.....Programmable Microwaves........Internet Banking.......Kilogrames......Litres.......!!!!

See you later maybe...

Al XX smiley - sadfacesmiley - sadface


Post 94


Hismiley - cool

It's driving me NUTS. Are we doomed?

Did you click on to YOUR page (as soon as you log on?) Top of the page (in blue) it should tell you you have a message. Otherwise it's gone. I'll try again.

IF you go onto Memberslist, click on that and then, on page 2, find my name. Click on it and you'll see an invitation to a Private message (pm).
Click on that, leave a message, click submit and it should come to me.

Otherwise we'll have to have a word with Nick and tell him nothing's working.

We'll beat this thing if it's the last thing we do!!! We'll WIN, you'll see.

smiley - zoomsmiley - wahsmiley - hugsmiley - kiss


Post 95



I've been all this time sending you a message. Actually I sent 2, but the second one just wouldn't go.

You have to wait until it says: your message has been sent and perhaps that's what I did wrong yesterday, it is all so very, very slow...and the second one just didn't want to go.
I didn't see that message come up yesterday, so no, it was MY fault.

I'll try again later and say what I wanted to say. I'm not giving up.

Must go.

See you later.



Post 96


Hismiley - cool

Thank you for your message, but did you get mine?

I had hours of trouble trying to send the 2nd one, but succeeded at last.

Hope you find it.

I'm absolutely knackered, not surprised you've got a migraine. Do you get zig-zaggy eyes? I do, although I never get the fullblown migraine.

Hope you are feeling better when you read this.

Still, one consolation: WE DID IT. My motto: Never give up.
Hope you get mine now, the second one is important.

Good night smiley - cool

smiley - love

smiley - zoomsmiley - wahsmiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - kiss


Post 97



I have sent an E-mail. Let me know if you haven't received it.

Al smiley - kisssmiley - kiss


Post 98


Hismiley - cool

Yes, I have, thank you.

Did you get mine?

smiley - zoomsmiley - kisssmiley - kiss


Post 99


Hi Al

Is this still working?

smiley - zoom

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