This is the Message Centre for Rich_Dee

That's a wrap...

Post 21


Hi Jen

I was beginning to wonder where you'd got to... smiley - huh

Then I realised - you've been chatting all the time to BC & Rob W again smiley - doh

Got the Sara Maitland collection "On Becoming A Fairy Godmother" last Tuesday, and read half of it by Tuesday night. Lots of stories involving legendary heroines, post-menopause.

I really enjoyed the pirate queen story "Sailing the High Seas", as it was told from the perspective of the 50-year-old daughter who is left behind in the home counties.

Guinevere & Lancelot story "Foreplay" is definitely XXX rated!!!

I'll have to hunt the library computer catalogue for the other Sara Maitland novels listed at the front of the book.

Sorry - no wraps available at the moment - the next ones will be available on the last Friday of the month... your last chance until 2005.

smiley - sheepsmiley - smooch

That's a wrap...

Post 22


Hello smiley - sheep

Ay, talking to Rob, he's such a nice mansmiley - biggrin. Oh, yes, and chatting with Bc.... He's all right I suppose smiley - erm He's now engaged to Brenda. Yes, Rich, it came as a shock to me as wellsmiley - sadface

I have made a note to buy 'On Becoming A Fairy Godmother'
I shall take it on holiday with me.

Can't wait until the last Friday in November. Those wraps are more of a treat aren't they when restricted to once a month.

Bye, Rich,

smiley - love


Freaky Friday

Post 23


Hi Jen

Got ahold of a copy of "Dangerous Visions", the landmark 550 page science fiction anthology from 1967 which brought the whole 1960s ethos of free love to the genre in a big way.

Or something...

Currently reading the story "Riders of the Purple Wage" by Philip Jose Farmer, which (unbelievably) won the best novella award at the 1968 American Science Fiction Convention.

In don't think such a story would win nowadays...

Especially not with the scene in which the artist hero gets revenge on his girlfriend by spreading superglue all over a can of spermicide foam...

...while she's using it!

smiley - yikes

smiley - sheepsmiley - smooch

Freaky Friday

Post 24


Rich !

That's a wild and smiley - weird story.

I have just been on PJF's website and he surely writes some freaky stuff.

I don't know whether to believe you about the artist hero !! And I sure ain't going to my library to find out smiley - laugh

Bye, Rich, be seeing you


Freaky Friday

Post 25


Better to stick with last week's 2004 World Fantasy Award winner for best novel:

"Tooth & Claw" by Jo Walton...

a.k.a. Pride & Prejudice for dragons!

Haven't read it myself, cos I don't think it's been published in the UK yet.

smiley - sheepsmiley - smooch

Freaky Friday

Post 26



Have just been informed of a family bereavement...


Freaky Friday

Post 27


Hi jen

So sorry to hear of your bad news - hope you're coping & I will send you a message again soon.

smiley - love


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