This is the Message Centre for Geordie Girl

Morning !

Post 1


Hi Helen,

Saw you were on line and thought I would write a quick message.

I've hardly read any of JV lately, but looked at a couple of Rosie's comments. I think she is on a wind up !!! Surely you can't write in excess of 700 messages and not get the hang of things....

Who was Eric masquerading as ? Being lazy here and can't go to look for myself.
Why do you not think Bc is who I said ? I am intriguedsmiley - laugh

No news. Weather lovely. Warm and sunny. Been out riding on my bike and it's been wonderful. Must try to get slimmer before the cold weather starts and I start cooking big heary meals !

See you on the boards ? I have to put in a request for Don G.


Morning !

Post 2

Geordie Girl

Hi Jen,

Just seen you and Don's request I wish they would just play something from the selection!

The thread on JV is the one "Does JV talk too much?". Not too far down Eric, under the name of Virgilhoots says something about her talking too much and had she had Trill for tea! I've given up reading her posts. Eric referred to PG as Mary on the R2 board which sort of gave the game away!

As for BC I think he said somewhere that he was only 23 or 24 and I think Rich Dee is older?

Not much happening up here either, but sunny. Peter said it was only 5C when he got up but it was very clear last night. Autumn is my favourite season because we often get better weather than in summer.

Peter not best pleased about Bobby Robson, but I'm glad Man U got Rooney as I don't like him.

Am trying to get up courage to change hairdressers. Have you seen Lynda Bellingham in the Bill lately? Her hair is quite nice. Bought a magazine the other day with her picture on the front as I'm hopeless at explaining what I want done at the hairdressers.

Must go an tidy up. Speak later on


Morning !

Post 3


Hi again, Helen,

Thanks for replying. It just seems funny that those 2 can only be on the pc at certain times, and Bc sent me an e mail entitled Newbie Alert, then on the next day on the CB, Rich has something entitled 'Morning All, Especially New Ones' or something very close.

I don't like Wayne Rooney either. My husband does. I was sorry to hear about Bobby going. What is he now, about 70 ? He's looking very fit on it though !!

Had my hair done yesterday cut in a sort of a bob. Previously I was looking like I had my hair done at the same place as Camilla Parker Bowles! You know, parted in the middle and upswept at the sidessmiley - laugh

I have made an appointment next week to have the foils again (will have to save up )but we just don't know if we are going to go away or not. If I suddenly disappear for a week, you will know I have gone.
Did you hear the laughter thing on JV ? Brilliant ! Some of my best laughs come from the boards. Some people are outrageous.
Good luck with the hairdresser ! Will look out for Linda Bellingham when I am hanging round the news stand in Tesco !

See you later, sunny skies at last, but today inside it is sooo cold


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