This is the Message Centre for Geordie Girl

Hiya !!

Post 1


Hi Helen,

I have changed my name as I had such problems logging back in. I can see my original site, but I can't get signed back on as before !

I had enough trouble getting this second site as the BBC didn't e mail me to confirm my H2g2 membership. Having sent the thing off about 10 times, I eventually realised that I had mis-spelled my name. So there is probably some poor soul somewhere wondering why the beebs are e mailing her. (My excuse is that I haven't been well)

I am all right now, but have to go back for a check up in 6 months time. The last biopsy came back as OK so I was very, very pleased.
Suffice to say that my time spent in Don's Prairy Clinic having his hydrochlorine acid treatments stood me in good stead !!

Who is BC. Give me a clue please, Helen. I have 13 episodes to read !!

Thank you for your kind thoughts and best wishes, and I saw your request on JV. OUR record !!

Speak soon,


Jensmiley - cool


Hiya !!

Post 2

Geordie Girl

Hi Jen

So good to have you back with us! Before I forget did you post as Caroline Elle at the weekend? I couldn't reply because I was locked out (I hadn't logged out) but it wouldn't let me do anything even re register under new names etc for nearly 48 hours then I looked at the message boards and I was back in as if nothing had happened. Weird!

We were all so worried about you and I'm glad you saw the song, not played of course but that's par for the course at the moment, roll on Monday! Are you stuck indoors or able to get out?

Jen I have no idea who BC is and I was struggling to keep pace with it all. I'll have to try and remember how to add you to my friends list!

Not a lot happening but football pilgrimages resume this Saturday, I can't believe how the summer has flown over. He's watching the England game downstairs right now. I don't think many of our friends will have gone at £40 a ticket.

Thank goodness I wasn't in Florida last Friday, I couldn't believe it after I had just written about it. It brought it all back.

Well must go and finish some ironing.

Take care and speak soon.


Helen smiley - smiley

Hiya !!

Post 3


Hi Helen,

Just posted a very lonely little message onto the CB. I sound sooooooo needysmiley - sadface

I'm not stuck indoors and in fact I am fine if only a little tired. Oh, and bored. Haven't been to JV board for what seems an age. Are they all fighting these days ? I saw the Host had given a written caution to everyone.
I must try to catch up with all the postings. Has BC embroiled you in his story. How many episodes are there going to be ? Will it be something like The Arabian Nights.
Oh good, Clive has replied on the CB. I'm not alone anymore,


Hiya !!

Post 4

Geordie Girl

Hi Jen

Have just replied on the CB, then came over here to see if anyone was about. I've been really bored this week must be the weather and everything seems just well a little flat, I even listened to Steve Wright and I normally switch as soon as he starts! Lulu was on talking about her new show on Sundays. Can't imagine her as a DJ... no doubt Pepe will be glued to the set!

The trouble on JV is to do with Melt Down, the 3rd reincarnation of Skid by the sound of things. I don't know what happened this afternoon as I switched off. PP seems to have internet connection problems as well.

I'm supposed to be in the story sometime (as a journalist!) but perhaps I'll make it by episode 30!

Well must go and get a drink as I'm parched.smiley - bubbly

Night night


Hiya !!

Post 5


Hi Helen

Just trying to keep on top of all my e mails. I never ever listen to Steve Wright. Sometimes I do try to catch the oldies, but not very often. I find SW so patronising with the silly way he mis-pronounces things.
Oh, and the fawing posse. God, what a stupid word.
I don't like Lulu either ! Sorry Pepe. But then, he only likes her because he thinks you look like hersmiley - smiley

Yes, I have realised the loose cannon is still firing his shots. I didn't know PP had been having problems. I thought he was still coming out fighting. Love him.

Yes, I am bored. Do you think it's the weather or a female thing ?
Well, whatever, have a lovely day tomorrow, and I hope I am able to join in.



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