This is the Message Centre for Geordie Girl
hardshellbutsoftie Started conversation Aug 7, 2004
I'm starting tonight I promise
You're not in just yet.
Hope you don't mind my intrusion
Have a great night
hardshellbutsoftie Posted Aug 9, 2004
What do you mean, GG?
I've been working like a slave!
Just see my page, or Jen's and click bedtime story, then bedtime story part 2 and if you like it bedtime story part 3.
Don't worry, your turn will come, in fact, you are VERY important for the story, like I said I made you a medieval journalist.
Be patient (maybe will post tonight - I so much feel like it).
If this worked like e-mail, I would send a copy to all Cb'ers.
But hey, feel free to use my page, I've got nothing to hide from you.
Hope you enjoy the story.
My dear friend, take care Bc
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