This is the Message Centre for evan_elpuss

How did it go then?

Post 1

Researcher U634370

Hi Saw you were here!!! Did you have a good day? was the speach ok? Bet you need another smiley - ale you can relax now......

BDG smiley - kisssmiley - kiss

How did it go then?

Post 2

Researcher U634370

arm't you talking to me? Saw your message to FBN glad it all went well and everyone was pleased smiley - applause well done.

I'm still getting to grips with this place what do you think? It's smiley - magic but takes a bit of getting used too.


How did it go then?

Post 3


AAHH, Poor BDG smiley - hug Course I'm not ignoring you, would I do that to you?!!

Yes, the do went very well, even the speech, well it seemed to anyway. PHEWWW!! Dutch courage no doubt helped there smiley - ale and a few smiley - bubbly

Yes, it does take some getting used to. I think there's more to discover about it. Dad uses h2g2 sometimes too.

It's OK as long as those 'trolls' that have spoilt the R2 boards don't get onto here and do the same.

How about some smiley - bubbly to make you feel better!

Kind Regards
Lord Evan Elpuss

How did it go then?

Post 4

Researcher U634370

Oh one more or two smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly won't hurt delicious thankyou I just consumed about 30 with Corrie!!!

Really smiley - smiley glad it went well, I do find it a bit disjoined over here I'm just talking to Corrie and VC yet you wouldn't find it easy to know that? I've suggested starting our own guide entry particularly useful for afterhours and secret hideaways!!! What do you think, you know there's no closing time!!! smiley - applause

I've read somewhere about Trolls I think they no how to deal with them.
There are some very clever/crazy people on here I suspect!!

smiley - cheers

How did it go then?

Post 5


Well all you folks are always welcome here. Why not bring in Corrie, VC and anyone else from R2 MB's (maybe some not from R2 boards) who haven't yet come into my virtual pub. The welcome mat is out!smiley - cheers

I can only stay a while most days because of my work hours. It's good to know I can post at, say, 6:00 or 7:00am on a Sunday.

I'll always answer you at some point.

smiley - cheers
Landlord Evan Elpuss smiley - biggrin

How did it go then?

Post 6

Researcher U634370

Hi Landlord, sounds good to me smiley - biggrin you could do your page like a pub!! After all you are the head barsteward. I wonder if they do pub signs in the picture library or perhaps something more subtle. Have you seen how the link on my page to the Sheperds kitchen works? He's created a kitchen as a guide entry very clever but quite easy to do he asked me if I was going to do the same but no sure I had the imagination for it!! You can edit your own entries together as well, no sure how it's done yet but you officiendos (spelling!!!) too much smiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly could do some good entries on music and radio there's not that much on here about that from what I could see.

I'm thinking I might do a few entries on Carers and Disability etc. anything can go in.

BDG smiley - kiss

How did it go then?

Post 7


Gosh, that sounds a bit high tech. I'm a bit of a technophobe, It'd need to be idiot-proof for me to manage it! My main interest is aviation. Am also a music fan (not sure I'm an afficianado though!) lover of beersmiley - ale, fascinated by the weather. These are some of my interests. I did once see a page describing plane spotting, pretty accurately I thought!

Lord Evan Elpuss

How did it go then?

Post 8


Hello i'm here but not for long got the ironing to dosmiley - wah for tomorrow. I will have a smiley - bubbly please, take away the pain (i hate ironing). Hubby is now cursing the moment he bought me this computer as now i have discovered h2g2 he doesn't get a look in. Once the kids are in bed that's it i'm here (sometimes when there up too, naughty Mummy). I managed to figure out how to add friends to my list but some have different names so if your not on sorry. Who's for a game of darts?

How did it go then?

Post 9


Hello Hendrixgal,
I don't know if you're from the Radio 2 messageboards, if you are then you might know me as 'Postie Phil'.
Game of darts? Well OK, It'll give you something to laugh at!!smiley - laugh
smiley - bubbly coming up
Kind Regardssmiley - cheers
Lord Evan Elpuss

How did it go then?

Post 10


Hi Phil, i'm voodoo chile over on R2.smiley - bubblylovely, go on then it's your throw.

How did it go then?

Post 11


ONE HUNDRED & EIGHTTTTTYYYYYY!!! (In my dreams!)smiley - laugh

smiley - cheers

How did it go then?

Post 12


Sorry to cut and run in the middle of a game (not really seeing as your winning) but i have to go now. Maybe back later (if Hubby let's me).

Bye for now everyonesmiley - biggrin

How did it go then?

Post 13

Researcher U634370

smiley - applausesmiley - applausesmiley - applausesmiley - applausesmiley - applause

OFF to do the SAME VC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BDG smiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kiss

How did it go then?

Post 14


Hope to chat again soon!

Nighty nightsmiley - ok
Lord Evan Elpuss

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