This is the Message Centre for evan_elpuss


Post 1


Watcha PP!

Well I am now compteley confused - finding everyone is not easy after imbibing some good wine with dinner - now have the hiccups!

Off to cactch some zzzzzz's; GP first thing in the morning and 'im in doors has been mending the ariel all day, so I guess I ought to set the video and cook breakfast!

Catch up with you in cyber space somewhere!

twurlit_chuckle (aka Ruth) smiley - smiley


Post 2


Hello Twurlit,
Hope your hiccups have now gone! I could use a little sleep myself. Woke up rather too early. I've been working on a speech I've got to make at my parent's Golden wedding lunch today. I've got something worked out and they seem happy with it. Not looking forward to delivering it though!smiley - blush
Think I might need a couple of smiley - ale first!

Best regards
Lord Evan Elpuss


Post 3


Good Afternoon m'lord

Well how did the speech go? I'm sure your nerves were completely unwarranted and you did a find job.

Ruthsmiley - smiley


Post 4


Hello Ruth,
Not long got back. Speech seemed to go OK. Much needed 'Dutch courage' helped. It was a nice occasion.
smiley - cheers

Kind Regards

Lord Evan Elpuss

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