This is the Message Centre for thegrinchsoffspring

Me Ranting and telling you I'm back

Post 1


I'm BACK!!!! Okay my rant I got my hair cut today and it was quite long and I wanted layers put into it but my hairdresser has cut it shorter (it bouncys of my shoulders) it looks quite nice apart from at the back its still the same length, so now i have to straighten it every morning so the layers all look even and not trampy. You probably dont care but I had a massive shock when I saw and so is everyone tomorow at school espec the ppl who like to play with my hair coz now theres hardly n e hair that you can play with.smiley - erm

Luv Queenie x (aka angelface04)

Me Ranting and telling you I'm back

Post 2

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

Hey Queenie!

Me Ranting and telling you I'm back

Post 3



Me Ranting and telling you I'm back

Post 4

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

How's life been treating you?

Me Ranting and telling you I'm back

Post 5


it's been alrite, got my exams all coming up now tho. how bout u?

luv queenie

Me Ranting and telling you I'm back

Post 6

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

I'm over my depression, and I've met a very beautiful girl in South Africa.

Me Ranting and telling you I'm back

Post 7


thats good!!! smiley - biggrin

luv queenie

Me Ranting and telling you I'm back

Post 8

Foxdragon - Resident Pyromancer

As soon as I've got my passport, I can start saving up for a plane ticket.

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