This is the Message Centre for FLYBYNIGHT


Post 21


Oh Fly Fly Fly,

See it's my turn!

All because of Jen's post!smiley - smiley

Hope she'll come back on here soon. Can understand she doesn't believe me but 'Ik ben wie ik ben!'.
R2fm seems to be closed for the moment. No PM'ing then smiley - biggrin

Dad and stepmom are to return from Thailand on Thursday. House is clean, but will have to give up being 'master' of the house. I hear you think (yes smiley - smiley) why don't you go live on your own. But they always leave me alone. AND I haven't got a job (always forget that part! smiley - smiley)

Enjoy while it lasts ey! Means: Radio Jackie tonight - if real player will let me smiley - laugh - Have asked stickers (Hey, I knew the answer was E. Clapton!)smiley - ok and wine from Gallo for another cosy evening.
Let's establish a cocoon club, Fly! smiley - laugh

Hope you are well. You said the workmen were returning, but it's not quite yet, is it? Saw you posted on JV board. I always think now I have this really good argument, then I think ah better not! smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Take care, seeya in the Cb or elsewhere
Have a de-fantastic evening, sweet lil' tulip

smiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - kiss
Bc X


Post 22


Hiya BC

So your freedom is nearly over, eh? There's for and against, isn't there?

Yes, know how you feel about the JV board, I feel the same. Haven't got the courage or know-how to join in the debates, although I realise most of them don't know what they're talking about either, do they?
We should go on there and talk a bit of Double Dutch.

I keep looking in Nick's site to see if anybody has any secret messages for me, but no, nothing.Yes, I'm having a couple of weeks of freedom. Going out with a friend tomorrow to try and find a new hi-fi cabinet. We always have a lot of fun together, we're on the same wavelength.

So, are you preparing a banquet for the homecomers? Oh, I really hanker after the smoked eels. They sell them here in some places (Harrods) but they're not fresh, they're skinned etc. in vacuum packs. Not the same at all. When I was a child and the kermis was on, the skins would be everywhere on the pavements!It was what you ate at the kermis, and oliebollen!!!MMMMMMmmmmmmmmm.

See you in the CB BC (very confusing)

smiley - love

smiley - zoom

smiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - cheers


Post 23


So, Mrs. smiley - zoom, found new hi-fi cabinet?

Did you like Nick's site? I do! I even pm'ed you!smiley - laugh Well more a test-like pm.

House is in order, ready for radio J!

Oh, every year there is a sort of eel fest and you can get it in green sauce or baked - which is nice too. But I think most people are put off by the image. Shame, really!

Speak more eloquently later

Take care, have a lovely evening!

Bc X smiley - kisssmiley - hugsmiley - smooch

PS - Try telling an Englishman horse steak is nice!

See you later!


Post 24


Hi Softie

Yes, I found a nice hi-fi cabinet, it's being delivered on Friday.

I think the new carpet is a bit of a mistake. Got up this morning and there's a lump of soot lying there, come down the chimney. I hadn't seen it and walked into it. Big black smudge on new carpet!!!

Still, one of many, I suppose. Why does it always happen to new things?

You must have worked hard to get the house all ready. Good for you!!

Nothing going on in the CB, everybody doing secret messages!!!!
Pity, in a way.

Want some chocolate covered peanuts? They're delicious!! I opened the bag and a whole lot rolled onto the floor, but you're all right, I've eaten all those.


smiley - zoom

smiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - hugsmiley - ok

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